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Green, and Eco-Friendly

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The current Featured Link for the Link Directories of Inactive, Organization Links is Deep Green Resistance Austin: Building A Culture Of Resistance To Defend The Natural World : "The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together." -- Find similar and related links in the Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory.

Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Information Links

Total Links for Environmentalism Information: 295

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Environmentalism Information Directory
Total Archived Links: 10

Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Organization Links

Total Links for Environmentalism Organizations: 391

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Environmentalism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 17

Top Information Links

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Earth First! Journal
"Human activities -- from hunting to habitat destruction -- have already driven countless species to extinction, and the process is only accelerating..."

Earth Times
"... a leading website that publishes news reports and the latest information relating to the human environment and such interrelated concerns of the international community ..."

E, the Environmental Magazine
"... chock full of everything environmental -- from recycling to rainforests, and from the global village to our own backyards."

Green Anarchy
"... the bi-annual publication of radical (as in diggin' at the roots) anti-civilization theory, critique, and action."

"...to provide info for people to get involved in action, to make contacts in the real world with people of a like mind..."

Green Left Weekly
"... a proudly independent voice committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality."

Environmental News Network (ENN)
"...in a world where these issues have migrated to the mainstream, we are looking forward and asking: what more can we do to help?"

Environment Directory, The
"...the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web."

Abbey's Web
"... dedicated to the life, works and values of author Edward Abbey."

Pacific Institute, The
"We envision a world where the basic needs of all people are met, where resources are managed sustainably and the natural world protected, and where conflicts over resources are resolved in a peaceful and democratic fashion."

Top Organization Links

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Earth First!
"Earth First! was named in 1979 in response to a lethargic, compromising, and increasingly corporate environmental community."

"We 'bear witness' to environmental destruction in a peaceful, non-violent manner..."
http­://w­ww.g­reen­peac­e.or­g/ ­~ ­http­://w­ww.g­reen­peac­eusa­.org­/

Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)
"... the world's largest grassroots environmental network and we campaign on today's most urgent environmental and social issues."

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
"...to provide information on people imprisoned for actions in defence of the earth and its inhabitants. We include people, animal and earth liberationists, those fighting on anti-nuclear and peace issues..."

Native Forest Network
"... a non-profit conservation organization whose mission is to protect and restore forests and wild places."

"... to regulate both greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from industrial emitters will pave the way for a cleaner, healthier environment."

Climate Action Network
"...a worldwide network of roughly 500 Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels."

Rising Tide (UK)
"...grassroots network of independent groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change."

Conservation International
"People depend on nature for many things. A stable climate. Clean air. Fresh water. Abundant food. Cultural resources. And the incalculable additional benefits the world's biodiversity provides...."
http­://w­ww.c­onse­rvat­ion.­org/­ ~ ­http­://w­ww.c­onse­rvat­ion.­org/­Page­s/de­faul­t.as­px

Heritage Forests Campaign
".. an alliance of conservationists, wildlife advocates, clergy, educators, scientists, and other Americans working together to uphold protection of our National Forests."

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Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.

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