Green, and Eco-Friendly
organizations links

Image: From "Sauvez la planète" Gallery, from PeaceLibertad blog
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2010 Convergences for Climate Action
"Choose a 2010 climate camp: Australia, Belgium, Canada (Quebec), France, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales..."
Зелена партія України (Green Party of Ukraine)
"безпосередня участь у розв'язанні соціальних, економічних, політичних, природоохоронних та інших проблем шляхом участі у виборчих та виконавчих органах влади."
"...research, organizing and networking center for the grassroots environmental justice movement..."
Adirondak Council
"... envisions an Adirondack Park composed of large core wilderness areas, connected to working farms and forests, and augmented by vibrant local communities."
Adirondak Mountain Club (ADK)
"... through a balanced approach of conservation and advocacy, environmental education, and responsible recreation."
http://www.adk.org/ ~ http://www.adk.org/home-flash.aspx
African American Environmentalist Association (AAEA)
"...a national, nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to protecting the environment, enhancing human, animal and plant ecologies, promoting the efficient use of natural resources and increasing African American participation in the environmental movement."
AirportWatch (UK)
"...an umbrella movement which unites the national environmental organisations and the airport community groups opposed to the aggressive go-for-growth policy of aviation expansion outlined in the Aviation White Paper."
Alaska Wilderness League
"... engaging citizens, sharing resources, collaborating with other organizations, educating the public, and providing a courageous, constant and victorious voice for Alaska in the nation's capital."
All Friends Round the Wrekin
"An independent group of individuals who share a love of The Wrekin and a determination to see it preserved for the good of its communities, landscape, wildlife and heritage...."
Alliance for the Wild Rockies
"We are thousands of individuals, business owners, and organizations taking a bioregional approach to protect and restore this great region."
Alliance to Save Energy (ASE)
"...a nonprofit organization that promotes energy efficiency worldwide through research, education and advocacy."
Alternativ Stad (Alternative City) (Sweden)
"...är lokalgrupp i Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner som är med i Friends of the Earth International, världens största demokratiska miljöorganisation."
Alternattiva Demokratika (Green Party - Malta)
"...kienet u se tkompli toffri vizjoni ta' socjeta mibnija fuq zvilupp sostenibbli li jirrispetta l-ambjent, fuq il-meritokrazija u l-gustizzja socjali."
http://www.alternattiva.org.mt/ ~ http://www.alternattiva.org.mt/page.asp?p=6029&l=1
Amazon Watch
"... to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin."
American Rivers
"...the leading conservation organization standing up for healthy rivers so communities can thrive. American Rivers protects and restores the nation's rivers and the clean water that sustains people, wildlife, and nature."
Appalachian Mountain Club
"Since 1876, AMC has promoted the protection, enjoyment, and understanding of the mountains, forests, waters, and trails of the Appalachian region...."
Architecture 2030
"...to rapidly transform the U.S. and global Building Sector from the major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central part of the solution to the climate change, energy consumption, and economic crises."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.