Green, and Eco-Friendly
information links

Image: From "Sauvez la planète" Gallery, from PeaceLibertad blog
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Abbey's Web
"... dedicated to the life, works and values of author Edward Abbey."
About Air and Water
"DFW Regional Concerned Citizens collaborate to be informed on air quality and water issues. Breathable air and safe drinking water is essential. Air Quality impacts transportation funding, health and quality of life...."
Advocates for Nevada's Deserts and Mountains
"This website is not for any organization or nonprofit. We will not be raising money or asking for donations. It is for advocates of Nevada to share information or just learn about the conservation issues concerning our beautiful state...."
Ah, Wilderness!
"This blog gives me a place to talk about two topics that may seem unrelated to some: Chaco Canyon and wilderness...."
Aled-Dilwyn Fisher
"I am a Green and a socialist, and write from that perspective. I may even write about my other interests - football and music - from time to time..."
An Caorthann
"... a quarterly magazine of information and discussion for the Irish Green Party / Comhaontas Glas and the wider green and alternative movement."
Another Green World
"Penny Kemp and Derek Wall This blog promotes anti-capitalism, green politics, direct action, practical lifestyle change, indigenous struggle, Venezuela/Cuba and a touch of Zen. Ecosocialism or muerte!"
AridLands NewsLetter
"Both on the ecological and the policy level, it is increasingly recognized that desertification and climate change go hand in hand, and that actions taken to mitigate or adapt to the one phenomenon will also help address the other...."
Art Not Oil (UK)
"...has campaigned against Big Oil cultural sponsorship since 2004. It has also encouraged artists - and would-be artists - to create work that explores the damage that companies like BP and Shell are doing to the planet, and to celebrate the role art can play in counteracting that damage, seeking solutions or simply lifting the spirits."
Art of Phil Africa: Inspiring, Empowering
"As of January 2009, Phil and the other 7 surviving MOVE 9 prisoners have all been denied thier first request for parole (after 30 years!)...."
Best Environmental Directories
"Selection of best internet environmental directories (list of lists), for more than 650 environmental subjects."
Bhopal Medical Appeal, The
"... launched in 1994, when a man from Bhopal came to Britain to tell whoever would listen about the calamitous condition of the still suffering victims of the Union Carbide gas disaster"
Biological Russian Roulette
"This site has been established to suppport discussions about genetic engineering and to provide information intelligible to non scientists. At present decisions are being taken which are influencing society and environment worldwide..."
Black Rhinoceros
"We produce a directory for environmental activists wishing to campaign on these ecological issues: biodiversity, conservation, energy, environmental justice, habitat and pollution."
Bullfrog Films
"Over the last 38 years, Bullfrog Films has become the leading US publisher of independently- produced, environmental DVDs & videos, that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants."
"...aims to serve as both an information source and a call to action, providing a full range of content from direct action skills to the latest research developments, feature articles on topics ranging from Driving as Addiction to Ecocity Visions..."
"...the largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.