Anarcho-Syndicalism versus
Catholic-Conservatism Debate
Between Punkerslut and
the Endeavour Forum
Appendix A
Appendix A
Complete List of Individual Letters
Image: By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by Olybrius
All of the Letters
# 31
The Story of Iran, Europe, Catholicism, and Imperialism
You can read anywhere about how the US propped up dictators in Iran, and if you doubt the Catholic Church's evil, then just read about their blessing of the slaughter of Native Americans, Africans, Asians, etc.. ~ "Apparently you forget that god is the world's oldest abortion doctor (2 Samuel 12:14). He even kills the unborn sometimes by slaughtering pregnant women (Genesis 38:24)."
Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum: Sunday, September 12, 2010.
# 36
UN and US Statistics on Child Hunger
According to UN statistics, millions of children are suffering hunger and malnutrition in the United States. It's quite clear that your policies, and not some unseen "terrorist entity," is actually the greatest threat to Americans. ~ "You're living in a world where those you serve are those responsible for mass murder, poverty, dictatorship, genocide, and child-rape. You're drawn between a variety of masters: Capitalist class and Catholic church, National government and NGO-watchdog."
Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum: Tuesday, September 14, 2010.
# 43
Poverty, Politics, and the Philosophy of Existence
How odd that you think poverty doesn't exist and at the same time that Obama creates it. Go ahead and listen to your political parties, because they don't do a thing while poverty is actually on the rise by every statistical analysis. ~ "When Obama or Reagan are in charge, or whether their Capitalist friends are in charge, it doesn't change a thing. It is Capitalism, because a few individuals control, own, manage, and profit from possessing productive property."
Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum: Friday, September 17, 2010.
# 70
Anarchism, of the French, Spanish, and Eastern-European Variety
Check Wikipedia if you doubt the toxicity of DDT, and like I said before, there are numerous places, like Paris and Catalonia, where Anarchism reaped glorious harvests for the people. But you must keep in mind that this was Libertarian, not Authoritarian, Socialism. ~ "A few million anarchists provided bread for everyone and kept Nazis from Germany, Spain, and Italy at bay, even fighting the Soviet Union at a point."
Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum: Monday, October 4, 2010.