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  • Anarcho-Syndicalism versus
    Catholic-Conservatism Debate

    Between Punkerslut and
    the Endeavour Forum

    Part #26

    Letters #126-#131

    By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by an Unknown Graffiti Artist
    Image: By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by an Unknown Graffiti Artist

    Letter #126

       Capitalist Measurements of   
       Capitalist Rules are Pro-Capitalist   
    Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum...
    Date: Monday, November 1, 2010

    Hello, Babette,

    >>"I agree with you about Burma. I also agree that conditions for unionists in some deveoping countries are not good, but these are a reflection of the poverty in those countries. As their GDP improves, so does the situation of workers/unionists."

         There is no connection between the GDP and living conditions, as many South African states have a high GDP from mining of diamonds -- but, you know, it entails that little difficulty of child, slave labor. The US has a high GDP, but one out of every six people is on the brink of hunger or starvation. Even Mexico's GDP is comparable high in global standards, but that doesn't stop its police and military from shooting at massive, unarmed crowds. How come it was filmed and popular when Tiananmen Square happened in China, but not when it happened in Mexico in 2006? Again, more important issues are involved than simple GDP.

    >>"You should try to sell your anarchism through the media instead of just arguing with me. And don't tell me that because the media is owned by capitalists you can't get your message across. If you are going to use this excuse, then you are like a puppy chasing its own tail - no hope of catching it and even if it did, what would it do with it?"

         How about I just try to popularize it? That seems easier. Besides, I don't see any Capitalists willing to publish this message. NBC News only has Liberal commentators, and Fox News only has conservative commentators. Do you really think either are going to ask for an Anarchist-Syndicalist commentator to discuss the development of the global, Social Revolution? Probably not.

    >>"The fact is that anarchism is not popular, not with bosses, workers, farmers or whoever."

         I'll agree with that. But why only try to promote popular things, like the state and Catholicism, when they commit so much murder and cruelty?

    >>"In China farmers who may even own their own land are glad to get away from the back-breaking work and to the bright lights of the city."

         There is no land ownership in China, except by the Communist Party. Farmers "rent" plots from the government, the way that sharecroppers rent land from landlords and big, commercial interests. Sure, there is "temporary ownership," but it's not quite real, just, or equitable. Leaving it is always tempting. Why else have sharecroppers disappeared since the 1850's?

         If you don't care about Anarchism or Anarcho-Syndicalism, I wouldn't be surprised. Your paradise is waiting for you in heaven. How we live and die isn't really consequential -- loving philosophy and living in integrity aren't entirely meaningful. Who cares if we worship a church that pardons child rapists? Who cares if we believe in a property system that excludes the vast majority? Who cares if a single child starves to death on our own streets? It doesn't matter. God's goodness will fix it all up, right? What a terrible let down if he wasn't real, eh? You basically threw your life away worshiping a figment of your imagination, while ignoring the real screams of starving children. How righteous.

    Andy Carloff

    "The problem of staying out of jail or being sent to jail is merely incidental in this fight. It is discouraging to find that advanced revolutionists of this country are frantically trying to save agitators from jail sentences thereby losing sight of the real and crucial issues of the fight. If we could depend upon a strong and consistently revolutionary support in such battles, instead of weakened efforts to effect a compromise with the courts, there would be much greater stimulation for individuals to enter revolutionary activity."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1916
              "Not Guilty!"

    Letter #127

       Give Up Unpopular Ideas!   
    The Endeavour Forum
    The Endeavour Forum to Punkerslut...
    Date: Monday, November 1, 2010

    Dear Andy,

         It is the Christian churches who respond to the cries of hungry children, not the anarchos who sit on their lofty perches and think they are a touch above us academically and that they don't have to "sell" their message in the marketplace of ideas. If your ideas will never be popular, then you have no chance of implementing them except at the point of a gun, so forget about them and move on to something more practical.


    "I hope that all my comrades and friends will work to arouse popular sentiment to such a degree that Emma Goldman cannot be convicted. My plan was to tour to the West Coast to establish birth control clinics in those States where the laws are sufficiently responsive to an intelligent public opinion to abdicate their authority in this regard. But if Emma Goldman goes to prison, it may be necessary to concentrate all our efforts against the archaic puritanism of New York State..."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1916
              "A Statement of Support for Emma Goldman"

    Letter #128

       Tell Me Why I Should Change   
    Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum...
    Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Hello, Babette,

    >>"It is the Christian churches who respond to the cries of hungry children,"

         This is rhetoric, and I need substance. I've already shown you, with multiple citations, in Russia, America, England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, etc., etc., the Church supported those who gunned down workers and blessed the cannons that blew away the unionists. Yes, you're so proud of your church, handing out its "aid" and "philanthropy." But you shouldn't be too proud. After all, the world isn't ignorant that the church is only giving away part of what it looted from the corpses at its feet. This is only based on any substantial analysis of history, and not from rhetoric.

    >>"...not the anarchos who sit on their lofty perches and think they are a touch above us academically and that they don't have to 'sell' their message in the marketplace of ideas."

         I told you that I am trying to popularize Anarchism. Otherwise, why would I mention it?

         And I haven't been too "holier than thou," have I?

    >>"If your ideas will never be popular, then you have no chance of implementing them except at the point of a gun, so forget about them and move on to something more practical."

         Only if you do the same for Catholicism.

         Come on, Babette... You can keep repeating the same things over and over again. "The church gives away bread," yes, but only after it killed the baker for it. "The church is coping with its homosexuality problem," yes, but by creating an international child sex ring. "The church loves charity," yes, but only after stealing more than they need with the help of politician and robber baron. And this isn't rhetoric -- I've shown you multiple books, articles, etc.. Even your own articles that you bring up mention my own points, like the scientist Diouf saying that there is enough productive capability on the planet to feed everyone.

         There's no substance in any of your message, because you're not taking into account any real evidence or anything real at all. It's just prejudice and what you've been taught. It's not the product of independent, free thinking. If you don't weigh evidence and use reason to evaluate your opinions, you'll always be quite far away from truth. And, in my opinion, it seems like everything you believe has been prepackaged and handed to you by either the Church or its enthusiastic missionaries. You're not providing me your honest analysis of the world around you -- you're just reiterating what you've been told. And if god made you a brain, don't you think he intended its use?

         So, if the church hands out charity, that it obtained by blessing the guns that shot down the workers, is it really charity? I'm expecting an answer based on brains, and not on belief.

    Andy Carloff

    "...knowledge does not cause immorality for the cause of immorality and morality lies much deeper than external things. Morality and immorality, all things good and bad, come from a source within and not from without. We are not honest because a policeman stands on the street corner. We are not truthful because there are jails and other methods of punishment. We are not moral because of the fear of venereal diseases or of pregnancy. Morality, truth and honesty come from the depth of our being, from character and integrity."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1935
              "What Birth Control Can Do For India"

    Letter #129

       Humanitarian Work of   
       those who Bless Murderers   
    The Endeavour Forum
    The Endeavour Forum to Punkerslut...
    Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Dear Andy,

         I have sent you heaps of emails showing what the churches are doing to help the hungry and help the sick. Have you heard of the canonisation of Fr. Damian of Molokai who worked with lepers? Which anarcho does that?

         If you don't believe my emails, go to any church and pick up their literature in the porch showing their welfare work. Better still, go to a Christian mission in a developing country.

         Work with Mother Teresa's nuns in Calcutta.


    "My attention has just been called to your statement to the delegates at the 18th Annual Convention of the Catholic Press Association, reported in the New York Evening Sun of May 25th, 1928.

    "You are quoted as saying, in your welcome to the delegates on behalf of the Diocese of New York, that you are 'in full agreement that the church should be kept out of politics-- And at the same time let us have the Catholic press keep out of politics.'

    "The American Birth Control League, Inc. is deeply interested in this statement. Every year the League sponsors a bill at Albany which, if passed, would permit physicians to give Birth Control advice to married persons. Every year the only opposition comes from the Roman Catholic Church, through the Dioceses of Albany and New York, and from the Associated Catholic Charities of the state of New York."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1928
              "An Open Letter to Cardinal Patrick J. Hayes"

    Letter #130

       and Time For Some Anarchy!   
    Punkerslut to the Endeavour Forum...
    Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Hello, Babette,

    >>"Have you heard of the canonisation of Fr. Damian of Molokai who worked with lepers? Which anarcho does that?"

         Worked with them with what? How did he live during that time? What'd he do to get the money to stay alive while helping people? How did he pay for the mansions and yachts, and the thousands of gold artifacts that bishops clam up in their churches? You do realize that the Catholic Church is spending its money on this stuff, investing and controlling significant portions of the economy? And the aid, where did that come from? Did he honestly work for it? No. I've seen the bones the church has tried to hide.

         "But the murderer and rapist is also a charitable giver!" No, they're just a murderer and a rapist. Mother Teresa included. Have you read the book "The Missionary Position" that documents her well-known activities, such as lying to starving farmers in Africa so they would donate food? There is a phrase used for this type of Western mentality of ignorance. As Coppola would say, "We cut 'em open with a machine gun and then give them a band-aid. Lies..." If you're not too concerned with truth, then sprinkling rice over the dead bodies probably doesn't seem like a contradiction. I vaguely remember some Catholic theologian saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This is an accurate summation of Saint Theresa. But then again, you don't seem read anything outside of Pro-Life circles.

    >>"Better still, go to a Christian mission in a developing country."

         You're tiring me down, Babette. If I did everything you told me to, from "mail this guy" to "go spread anarchism," I'd pretty much have done everything in existence. It doesn't sound like you have any arguments. I present good reasons for how every human being can have a right to life, liberty, bread, land, and work. Your response was not to address the perfectly reasonable arguments. Instead, you tell me more and more stories of the Church's charity programs. The Lateran Treaties that sanctified the Holocaust -- was this a charity program? The mass killings of Jews in Yugoslavia and Spain, all sanctified by the Pope.

         I'm convinced that you're not as genuine as you should be in seeking truth. Can you erase the millions who have been starving across the globe, because of isolation of property, all justified and enforced by the church for more than a thousand years? You cannot.

         It started with a simple question like "Why can't you make laws that respect each gender equally?" and "Why can't people provide for their children?" But it ends with questions like "Why don't people have what they need to live?" And, if you can't even attempt an honest answer at that, then you won't find any answers. "Why does poverty exist?" is a meaningful question. "But the church who consecrated poverty does charity!" is not a meaningful response.

         Thanks, Babette. It's been truly wonderful. I think I'm going to go do one of those things now... like spread Anarchism.

    Andy Carloff

    "We are all talking revolution and direct action, solidarity and freedom. If we are not willing to back every word that we utter publicly by determined action, we will never accomplish anything except to render ourselves ridiculous."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1914

    Letter #131

       And another thing that   
       the Capitalist news just told me...   
    The Endeavour Forum
    The Endeavour Forum to Punkerslut...
    Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    Dear Andy,

         You are verging on dishonesty if you choke over acknowledging what St. Damian did. When there was no treatment for leprosy, he lived among them, bandaged their wounds, shared their life, prayed with them. He is acknowledged the world over for his selfless heroism. That you can't bear to admit this shows a level of hypocrisy. Tell me one anarchist who has done anything so selfless. Just read in the papers some of them have caused a riot somewhere in Europe with loss of life I think - just heard it on radio, not sure of details.


    "It is impossible to separate Anarchism from Spanish, [Libertarian] education or from anything which is important in Spain, for it is the only spark of life there today. It will be left to the Anarchist to drive out the priests and the robbers, before Spain can step freely in any direction."
              --Margaret Sanger, 1916
              "Schools and Education in Spain"

    The End

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