Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Featured Links of Sun, 01 Sep, 2013.
Featured Link: Revolution and Social Justice
"...a global activist movement to stop violence against women and girls."
Domestic Abuse, and Domestic Violence Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Information
Bullfrog Films
"Over the last 38 years, Bullfrog Films has become the leading US publisher of independently- produced, environmental DVDs & videos, that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Organizations
National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS)
"...an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, dedicated to enhancing men's lives, and committed to justice on a broad range of social issues including class, age, religion, and physical abilities."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Information
Secular Humanism Worldwide (SHW)
"...to promote the presence of naturalism, rationalism, freethought, and skepticism in society via the Internet. This place is intended for anyone who is inherently curious and enjoys discussing the bigger questions in life."
Atheism, Rationalism, and Freethought Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Organizations
Featured Link: Surviving Oppression
Zimbabwean, The
"We are a group of committed and professional Zimbabwean journalists and friends from around the world who have come together to start the first newspaper for Zimbabweans in exile."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Making Change
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
"...the third oldest and one of the 'Big Four' civil rights groups in the United States. From the protests against 'Jim Crow' laws of the 40's through the 'Sit-ins' of the 50's, the 'Freedom Rides' of the 60's, the cries for 'Self-Determination' in the 70's..."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Creative Problem-Solving
Marty and Stacy: On Communism, Libertarianism and Anarchy
"Forming 'the perfect union,' Marty and Stacy hope to shed light on two ideologies that often meet within the realm of anarchism - but in their statist forms, both communism and libertarianism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
Featured Link: Spreading the Truth
Riots Not Diets
"When I'm not reading convoluted academic theory until my eyes water, I am working to uncover anti-fat biases in media representations of the fat body and examine the many intersectionalities of fat identity...."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013. (2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: