Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence
web directory

Image: By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by Tlust'a
The current Featured Link for the Organizations Link Directories is Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (Africa) : "...formed on November 2000 with the aim of fighting evictions, water cut-offs and poor health services, obtaining free electricity, securing decent housing, and opposing police brutality. The AEC is currently an umbrella body for over 10 community organizations, crisis committees, and concerned residents movements..." -- Find similar and related links in the Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory.
Total Links for Domestic Abuse Information:
Total Links for Domestic Abuse Organizations:
"Domestic Violence should not happen to anybody..."
Hidden Hurt
" help understand the dynamics of an abusive relationships, the different forms (or faces) abuse can take, it's effect on both direct victims..."
Hot Peach Pages
"Global list of abuse hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centres and women's organizations, plus domestic violence information in over 80 languages."
Sanctuary for the Abused
"Articles, clickable links & resources for victims & survivors. Dealing with verbal, psychological & emotional abuse and personality disorders...."
Surviving Domestic Violence Is Within You!
"Domestic violence is an ugly companion that we are to afraid to talk about. So let's talk about surviving domestic violence. Let's talk about safety plans, self defense, protection tips, and home security...."
Love Is Not Abuse
" end domestic violence as one of the first major corporations in the U.S. to take a stand on this issue."
Domest Violence No More!
"To show or not to show? To share or not to share?"
"Learn about Restraining Orders and other legal protections for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault...."
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCDSV)
"...after decades of work in the field, these two women understood that the most successful efforts - the kind of efforts that save lives and transform our society - are always the result of individuals and organizations working together."
Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPV)
"... works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence."
Stop Family Violence
" organize and amplify our nation's collective voice against family violence. We are a catalyst for social change - empowering people to take action..."
Domestic Abuse Project (DAP)
"... has worked to promote safe and healthy family relationships by stopping domestic violence as it occurs and working to prevent it in the future."
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
"...employs a multidisciplinary staff and supports a wide range of projects to address the complex challenges domestic violence poses to families, institutions, communities, and governments."
Advocates Against Domestic Abuse (AADA)
"To provide battered women and domestic violence victims who have experienced domestic violence with support and information regarding domestic abuse and the options available...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.