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Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence

information links

By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by Steve Kent
Image: By Punkerslut,
Made with Graphics by Steve Kent,
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"Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic" License

Image By Punkerslut, Made with Graphics by Schurens
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"Domestic abuse is a pattern of coercive, intimidating, violent, or cruel behavior used to control an intimate partner or family members."

"Many people think that battered women have black eyes and broken bones. However, domestic abuse encompasses a whole range of ways of controlling and hurting."

"No matter what you call it, it hurts. You want to do something about it, but what can you do that won't make your life even worse?"

"A woman battered by an intimate partner in law enforcement is often marginalized or even ignored...."

Abuse of Power
"A woman battered by an intimate partner in law enforcement is often marginalized or even ignored...."
http://www.dwetendorf.com/ ~ http://www.abuseofpower.info

American Institute on Domestic Violence (AIDV)
"... financial tool to assess your financial loss associated with battered workers and domestic violence spillover into your workplace."

Behind The Blue Wall
"Lighting a candle of remembrance for those who've lost their lives to domestic violence behind the blue wall..."

Breaking My Silence
"Breaking My Silence will educate and make aware of the world crisis of prostitution and sex-trafficking of women by interviewing survivors, organizations and authors that strive to bring awarness to the public."
http://www.breakingmysilence.net/ ~ http://www.breakingmysilence.com/

Choose Respect
"... an initiative to help adolescents form healthy relationships to prevent dating abuse before it starts. This national effort is designed to motivate adolescents to challenge harmful beliefs about dating abuse and take steps to form respectful relationships."

Civic Research Institute (CRI)
"Domestic Violence Report and Sexual Assault Report..."

Click To Empower
"Domestic Violence - a term most often linked to physical and psychological abuse - affects nearly one in four women in their lifetimes according to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control..."

Communities Against Violence Network (CAVNET)
"... the go-to resource for those seeking to collaborate with others to address violence against women and crime victims with disabilities."
http://www.cavnet.org/ ~ http://www.cavnet2.org/

Computer use can be monitored...
"There are hundreds of ways that computers record everything you do on the computer and on the Internet."

Corner Stone
"... to prevent domestic abuse. We provide children and adults a continuum of service that builds sustainable self-reliance and revives the human spirit..."

Courage Network
"A community for domestic violence survivors, family & friends, advocates, professionals and organizations. A resource and inspiration for victims, families, friends and those dealing with domestic violence in their personal lives...."

Crisis Support Network
"Ending domestic violence can be a hard struggle for someone who has been rendered powerless and afraid in their own home, but you can make a difference!"

Dallas Domestic Violence Resources
"...a resource for Dallas and surrounding areas for Domestic Violence information."

Disability, Abuse & Personal Rights Project (DAPR)
"...people dedicated to the protection of children and adults with disabilities who have been victims of abuse."

Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs
"...offers domestic violence training and resources based on The Duluth Model to help community activists, domestic violence workers, practitioners..."

Domestic Violence, Murder and My Kids
"...to bring domestic violence and its prevention to the front of public awareness and action."

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