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Ending Racism
"...a blog for those who have hope and are committed to being progressive with an anti-racist outlook. It is also a place for people who believe that the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes and that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race."

Equality Report, The: Promoting Equality for All Persons
"To promote equality of all people, to expose racism and bigotry, and to expose corruption and hypocrisy. This site is non-partisan and non-denominational. Hate is hate, no matter what the religious or political ideology."

Escritorio, El
"...a publishing and research company focusing on the Hispano, Mexican American, Chicano and Native American Communities in Colorado, New Mexico and the Borderlands."

Ethnic Arts
"May all souls be in happiness. May all souls be blessed. May all souls be in peace...."

Evaluation Tools for Racial Equity
"Tip sheets highlight considerations related to evaluation of community efforts to achieve racial equity and justice. They also sometimes direct the user to specific tools and resources."

Exposing & Fighting Against Global Anti-Semitism & Anti-Jewish Racism
"...the Anti-Semitism News Network, a global news resource and portal about a variety of topics important to Jews and Gentiles, concerning Jewish-Gentile relations, and global politics."

Eye On Hate: Keeping Track of Racism, Bigotry, & Injustice In America & Around the World
"Eye On Hate Radio takes you inside the modern day workings of the fascist/racist movement in the U.S. Eye On Hate Radio tells you what people are doing when hate comes to town."
http://www.eyeonhate.com/ ~ http://www.eyeonhate.com/eyeonhate.html

Facing History and Ourselves
"Through a rigorous investigation of the events that led to the Holocaust, as well as other recent examples of genocide and mass violence, students in a Facing History class learn to combat prejudice with compassion..."

Faculty Of Social Science Anti-Racist Resources and Materials
"...to serve as an educational resource tool for faculty and students with an interest in anti-racism, social justice, social policy, and inequality."

"...a resource for analysing the BNP and other far right groups and opposition to them. To look at the initiatives that have been employed by local groups who are opposed to the BNP."

Field Negro, The
"Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of 'brotherly love'...."

Football Unites, Racism Divides (FURD)
"... football, as the world's most popular game, can help to bring together people from different backgrounds to play, watch and enjoy the game, and to break down barriers created by ignorance or prejudice."

For an Inclusive Society
"...a gathering place for information on racism and culture, brought to you by the Centre for Race and Culture."

Freedom Road Project
"...rummaging through the debris in 'post-racial' America..."

"The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the injustices of Jock's original trial and to provide solidarity with Jock for his up coming appeal...."

Free Oso Blanco: Robin the Hood
"I am serving 80 years in Beaumont federal Penitentiary for bank robbery and firearms violation. I robbed from the banks and gave to the Hood and indigenous warriors. I was dubbed by the FBI as Robin The Hood...."

Free Romaine 'Chip' Fitzgerald
"In September 1969, Chip was wounded and arrested in connection with a police shoot-out. He was tried for assault on police and other, related charges, including the murder of a security guard. He was convicted and sentenced to death. He was 19 years old."

Free Zulu (UK)
"My name is Kenny Zulu Whitmore. I have been enslaved In Angola state prison Louisiana for the last thirty-two years, falsely charged and convicted of armed robbery and murder."

Friends of Peltier - Blog
"Time to set him free... Because it's the RIGHT thing to do."

Good Neighbours Committee, The (GNC)
"...a diverse welcoming inclusive vibrant progressive community for all..."

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