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The current Featured Link for the Link Directories of Inactive, Organization Links is Deep Green Resistance Austin: Building A Culture Of Resistance To Defend The Natural World : "The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together." -- Find similar and related links in the Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory.
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Ale Yarok (Israel) (Marijuana Political Party)
"שלומי סנדק פותח במסע ציבורי לשינוי חוקי הסמים: הוא מוציא לאור חוברת בשם 'מריחואנה - תרופת הפלא של המאה ה-21' ומתחיל להחתים על עצומה הקוראת לשינוי חוקי הסמים בישראל"

Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
"... the first non-profit organization dedicated to reforming the laws which prohibit medical access to marijuana. It was founded in 1981 by Robert Randall and Alice O'Leary."

Alternative Care Clinics (ACC)
"At an ACC clinic patients can be evaluated to see if medical marijuana can benefit their condition in a safe, confidential and professional environment..."

American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC)
"The Primary Mission of AAMC is patient advocacy, patient rights, and support. Additional aspects of the AAMC Mission include clinical research and educating decision makers...."

American Medical Marijuana Association (AMMA)
"... a group of volunteers working together to implement, preserve and protect the rights of medicinal cannabis patients through political activism."

Americans for Safe Access
"the nation's largest organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research."
http://www.americansforsafeaccess.org/ ~ http://www.safeaccessnow.org/

American Society for Action on Pain (ASAP)
"We are an organization of patients who suffer from chronic pain, their families, the physicians who treat them, and other interested citizens...."

Ann Arbor Medical Marijuana Patient Collective (Michigan, USA)
"...an organization of patients, caregivers, medical doctors, attorneys, and concerned citizens working together to help patients receive fair and knowledgeable treatment under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act."

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party (ALCP)
"... to legalise cannabis for recreational, spiritual, medicinal and industrial purposes; to empower people to work together for peace and true justice; and to institute a proper and just balance between the power of the state and the rights and dignity of the individual."

Arizona Green Medication (USA)
"As a non-profit organization we have no interest in politics or monetary gain. Our hope is that you make safe choices and informed decisions in these changing times. The laws and regulations of medical marijuana in Arizona are still being decided. There are a lot of changes for medical marijuana ahead."

Arizona Industrial Hemp Council
"To promote development of Industrial Hemp in Arizona...."

Artists Collective
"...a different kind of medical marijuana service. It's an art project in and of itself."

Association of Medical Marijuana Caregivers (AOMMC)
"... to assist patients with qualifying debilitating medical conditions who are unable to ease their suffering through the use of traditional medicine."

Australian Hemp Party
"...to legalise Cannabis in all states and territories in Australia..."

Ayahuasca Foundation
"... dedicated to the preservation and continuation of the ancient science of plant spirit medicine."

BC Compassion Club Society (Canada)
"... a collectively-run non-profit natural health centre providing safe, high-quality medicinal cannabis and the services of a full wellness centre."

Berkley Patient's Care Collective (BPCC)
"...to provide a healthy, safe, and educational place for patients to procure and learn more about their medicine."

Biocare Collective (Colorado, USA)
"... a Colorado, Medical Marijuana dispensary located 5 minutes from Downtown Denver. Our mission at Biocare is to provide a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for our patients."

Bloc Pot (Canada) (Marijuana Political Party)
"Demander une consultation publique sur la légalisation du cannabis de façon à respecter les règles démocratiques d'un marché libre, et solliciter dès maintenant des projets pour la légalisation."

British Columbia Marijuana Party (BCMP) (Canada)
"... believes that democratic societies such as Canada should allow for and provide individuals with the most freedom possible. The only legitimate criminal prohibitions relating to individual conduct are those necessary to prevent significant harm being done unto others."

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