Drug, and Substance Use
information links
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Drug Policy Central
"Non-profit organizations dedicated to drug policy reform that lack funding may benefit from our grant application process."
Drug Policy Forum of Hawai'i (DPFHI)
"... offers in-depth information, resources, and ways you can act and get involved on critical policy issues and developments."
"... access to more forums, more videos, more music, more documents, more images, more reviews, more news about drugs and much more functionality."
Drugs and Booze Forum (DnB Forum)
"...a community engaged in harm reduction -- we do not condone drug use, but we do condone safer drug use if you make the individual decision to do so."
Drug Sense
"Here you will find all the services our group of organizations has to offer in one place."
Drugs Plaza
"...information about soft-drugs, like Marijuana, Magic Mushrooms and Herbal drugs..."
Drug Truth Network
"... dedicated to exposing the fraud, misdirection, and wastefulness of the war on drugs."
"How Drug Money Works, Save the Akha, Drug Testing News, The Light Side..."
Drug War Chronicle, The
"...raising awareness of the consequences of prohibition -- news and activism supporting sensible reform..."
Drug War Distortions
"Distortion 9: Cannabis As Medicine, Distortion 10: Young People and Drugs, Distortion 11: Marijuana Potency, Distortion 12: Cannabis and Driving..."
Drug War Facts
"...provides reliable information with applicable citations on important public health and criminal justice issues."
"The policy of harm reduction is a mix of decriminalizing the use of so-called soft drugs (e.g. marijuana) and affording treatment to the users of so-called hard drugs (e.g. heroin and cocaine)...."
Drug WarRant
"...from the front lines of the drug war with news, analysis, and the occasional rant..."
Earth Rites
"...attempting to bridge various issues of the 21st Century around cognitive liberty, consciousness expansion, indigenous issues, environmental activism, workers concerns; as well as new and emerging visual arts, poetry and other forms of expression...."
"If you haven't yet sent a letter of support, please do so now! If you are at a loss for words, we offer a sample letter here on the front page of the website."
Ed Rosenthal - The Guru of Ganja Blog
"Obama could call off his Dogs of War, the DEA, but would rather gather credibility with the drug warriors. This is just another symptom of his Marijuana Deficiency Syndrome (MDS)...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.