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Image: By Klaus Hoffmeier,
Edited by Punkerslut

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Source N/A
Bust Video
Archive Link:
  • [Unavailable]
  • [Unavailable]
    Original Link:

    Cannabis Daily
    "This is a blog about Cannabis. It features a grow journal where I write my everyday experiences while im cultivating and purchasing some of the finest cannabis in the world..."
    Archive Link:
  • http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.cannabisdaily.com/
  • http://web.archive.org/web/20090411030312/http://www.cannabisdaily.com/
    Original Link:

    "Gathering musicians and listeners together to......Help End Marijuana Prohibition!"
    Archive Link:
  • http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.grassmusic.tv/
  • http://web.archive.org/web/20011002062753/http://grassmusic.tv/
    Original Link:

    Source N/A
    Let's Talk About Pot
    "Cannabis THC Is Best Known Treatment For Alzheimer's Disease..."
    Archive Link:
  • [Unavailable]
  • [Unavailable]
    Original Link:

    LSD Letture (LSD Readings) (Spanish)
    "...nella speranza che questo serva a diffondere ulteriormente l'interesse per la cultura psichedelica. Albert Hoffmann apprezzerebbe....se lo sapesse!"
    Archive Link:
  • http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://lsd.virtuale.org/
  • http://web.archive.org/web/20090401191009/http://www.lsd.virtuale.org/
    Original Link:

    Mary Jane's Diary
    "The complete blog for everything related to Marijuana. Get the latest news, methods, tips and tricks for everything to do with weed. Questions welcomed!"
    Archive Link:
  • http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.maryjanesdiary.com/
  • http://web.archive.org/web/20080128180223/http://www.maryjanesdiary.com/
    Original Link:

    Source N/A
    San Jose Cannabis (California, USA)
    "Your homegrown source for Medical Cannabis Activism, News, and Listings in San Jose..."
    Archive Link:
  • [Unavailable]
  • [Unavailable]
    Original Link:

    Source N/A
    Yes We Cannabis
    "...where all of the organizations dedicated to the legalization of cannabis hemp in America can come together..."
    Archive Link:
  • [Unavailable]
  • [Unavailable]
    Original Link:

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