Drug, and Substance Use
information links
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"Law Enforcement Against Prohibition believes that adult drug use, however dangerous, is a matter of personal freedom as long as it does not impinge on the freedom or safety of others...."
Weed Watch Magazine (WW)
"Originally created in 2008 as a marijuana podcast hub, Weed Watch has developed into a full scale social networking community for the Cannabis and Counter Culture lifestyle...."
Weekly Weed, The
"The only online Marijuana newspaper..."
West Coast Leaf (WCL)
"...a quarterly news publication covering California and the West Coast's growing cannabis community."
"... a foremost online marijuana encyclopedia. We will be launching in the spring of 2010 right for the 420 season."
"... evolving language in the psychedelic sphere ..."
Yes on 19 - Control and Tax Cannabis
"Legalizes marijuana possession of up to one ounce by adults over 21, Lets each county or municipality decide whether to allow cannabis sales and production and if so how much to tax these activities, Generates an estimated $1.4 billion in tax revenue..."
Yes on Prop 19 - November 2, 2010
"Today, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are wasted enforcing the failed prohibition of cannabis (also known as marijuana)...."
Yes On Prop 19
"From campaigning techniques such as phone banks, door-to-door, flyer/handouts distribution, posters, advertisements, stickers, t-shirts, and volunteers tackling events or setting up booths. It is people like you that keep this campaign moving forward..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.