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Stoner Party
"A celebration of all things stoner."

Stoney Girl Gardens
"I have been a card holder in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program since 1999. I won First Place in the Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards in November of 2002 and again in 2003...."

Stop the Drug War
"...raising awareness of the consequences of prohibition..."
http://stopthedrugwar.org/ ~ http://www.drcnet.org/

Strain Guide
"What books, magazines, and discussion forums will help me learn more about growing?"

Sweet Leaf
"Can You Smell the New Smell?"
http://www.sweetleaf.co.uk/ ~ http://www.sweetleaf.co.uk/index.php

Talking Drugs
"...an online space reflecting the global challenge posed by illicit drugs. It provides an opportunity to share stories and insights that will help us find better ways to control illicit drugs and prevent them causing excessive harm."

"... documenting the entheogenic reformation, singularity studies, and phasic forms..."

Terence McKenna Bibliography
"The Web's largest list of references to books, articles, audio, video, interviews and translations by and about Terence McKenna (1946-2000)."

Texas Tea Pad
"Where it's always 4:20..."

THC Farmer
"Join in on the high!"

THC Finder
"...Legal Marijuana Dispensary and Cannabis Clubs..."

THC List
"Northwest's best resource guide for medical marijuana patients..."

THC Ministry: Hawaii Cannabis Ministry
"On June 19, 2000, Roger received a license to perform marriages in the State of Hawai'i, becoming the nation's first licensed Cannabis Sacrament Minister..."

THC Talk
"...your cannabis community..."

"If you found this website, you're likely an experienced cannabis enthusiast looking to expand your appreciation of marijuana. That, or you're ready to make a killer brownie...."

"For thousands of years, humans have smoked marijuana, used opium to treat pain, chewed coca (cocaine) leaves for energy, and ingested substances like the peyote cactus and psychoactive mushrooms to commune with the gods...."

Thomas Paine Project, The
"...established in 2000 to alert the public to the fact that the government's war on marijuana posed a direct threat to individual freedom."

Time 4 Hemp (T4H)
"So much has happened to the Marijuana Movement since the TIME 4 HEMP TV-series began..."
http://www.time4hemp.com/ ~ http://www.time4hemp.biz/

Toke of the Town
"Cannabis Culture News and Views..."

Toke On This
"Hello my name is Flash Rosenstein and I have been meditating with marijuana for over 20 years...."

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