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Search 420
"...community, cultivation, entertainment, goods and services, info center, local resources, regional..."

"If you've read or heard anything at all about Self-Hemployed, you'll probably know at least three things: We've been around for a while...."

Serotonin Club, The
"... an international association for biomedical scientists who are interested in any aspect of research on serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)."

Sex and Drugs
"... provides up-to-date, clear and scientifically-accurate information about how commonly-used prescription drugs, herbs, and nutritional supplements affect sexual desire, sexual performance, and one's sexual experience."

Shaman's Drum: A Journal of Experiential Shamanism and Spiritual Healing
"... to encourage the study of shamanism from the practical experiential perspective of shamans and other practitioners."

"We help spread accurate information about magic mushrooms so people can make informed decisions about what they put in their bodies."

Shroomology Grows Mushrooms
"If you have any questions about mushrooms, or growing mushrooms, chances are your questions have been asked. Read through these topics, and you will gain much mushroom knowledge...."

"...a place where masters and noobies alike can come and learn to grow together in harmony. A peaceful and chill place, for sure!"

"... an online forum dedicated to the world of mushrooms and mycology. We have a large base of members who communicate and share information, ideas, artwork, news, and opinions about the world of mushrooms."

Signal of Misunderstanding, A
"A goal of ending the war on drugs by spreading information, while talking about a few things I enjoy in life...."

Singing to the Plants
"...what happens at an ayahuasca healing ceremony, how the apprentice shaman forms a spiritual relationship with the healing plant spirits, how sorcerers inflict the harm that the shaman heals, and the ways that plants are used in healing, love magic, and sorcery."
http://www.singingtotheplants.com/ ~ http://singingtotheplants.blogspot.com/

Smokers Daily
"Is news for Medical Marijuana patients, Stoner's, Pot Heads, and concerned Citizens...."

Smoking Marijuana for Health!
"Your source for Marijuana health information, medical marijuana information, such as the fact that marijuana has been shown to kill pancreatic tumors!"

"...Cannabis Community News..."

Sound Photosynthesis
"... features unique videotapes, audiotapes and publications spanning decades of explorations in science, astronomy, physics, culture, music, society, psychedelics, brain/mind studies, shamanism, interspecies communication, and more."

"...America's leading online medical marijuana resource and has the most complete dispensary and co-op directory available."

Stanton Peele Addiction Research
"...investigating, thinking, and writing about addiction since 1969..."

"Sticky Strains of the Day..."

Stoner's Cookbook, The
"...a community weed / marijuana recipe website dedicated to satisyfing your craving for snacks while under the influence! Bud butter, weed tea, hash cookies...they're all here..."

Stoner Forums
"... a global community built for Marijuana and Counter Culture enthusiasts of all types."

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