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Ibogaine Dossier, The
"... an extensive library dedicated to providing information on ibogaine, an experimental antiaddictive medication."
http://www.ibogaine.org/ ~ http://www.ibogaine.desk.nl/

Ibogaine Research Project
"The Science of Things..."

Ibogaine Treatment
"Ibogaine is often view either as a panacea for addiction or, on the contrary, a mere wish or a toxic and dangerous substance...."

Iboga Therapy House
"... a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to exploring and facilitating the therapeutic use of ibogaine."

Illegal Blog
"...armed with renegade political commentary, thoughts outside the box, and a discarded container from Uncle Sam's marijuana garden."

"...Guides, Contact, Links, Bud Shots, Videos, Games, Dispensaries..."

I Medical Cannabis
"...an education and resource platform built to empower medical cannabis patients, cannabis physicians, and medical marijuana providers with the information and resources..."

Industrial Hemp.net
"There are many things that you can do. In the end it comes down to two things: education and money. People need to know about hemp and its usefulness..."

Industrial Hemp Q&A
"...provided as a public service for those interested in the commercialization of industrial hemp."

Infinite Light Peru
"All medicinal plant practices are conducted under the supervision of Chinchilejo Lodge, and are governed legally in the Amazon under Peruvian Law...."

Inland Empire Marijuana Blog
"A discussion of Inland Empire Medical Marijuana, including Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario & Colton."

International Cannagraphic Magazine, The (IC-Mag)
"...a global community of cannabis growers, activists, business entrepreneurs, photographers, breeders, vendors and medical patients."

"It was a sad event for pro-cannabis activists worldwide this week, when proposition 19 was defeated in California by 6% of voters..."

Jack Herer.com
"Would you like green buds and hash? - No I would not, Mister Stash!"

Jay Selthofner
"I am running on a platform of legalizing hemp and cannabis, but that is not the only thing that I stand for. If elected, I will champion and work just has hard on any issue which my district tells me that it supports."

Jeff Lye
"...our party president came up from the deep south to stand in Auckland Central and represent the 300,000+ cannabis users Auckland has."

John Doe Radio
"...provides accurate and informative marijuana reform news and information."

John Sinclair
"...mutated from small-town rock'n'roll fanatic and teenage disc jockey to cultural revolutionary, pioneer of marijuana activism, radical leader and political prisoner by the end of the 1960s."

Join Together
"We believe problems associated with alcohol and drugs can be best addressed at the community level...."

Kanep.info (Estonian)
"Eesti kanepiteemaline foorum..."
http://www.kanep.info/ ~ http://foorum.kanep.info/

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