Leftist, and Alternative
information links
Thinking about using GoogleChrome? Good luck! It installs auto-updating malware your system, "GoogleUpdate.exe," that infiltrates the Windows Registry, even if you try to uninstall it. Use an old version of Firefox, and don't worry about buggy, questionable code being installed by third parties without permission!
Womanist Musings
"I am a committed humanist. I believe in the value of people over commodities. I believe in the human right to food, clothing, shelter, and education. I am pacifist, anti-racist, WOC. My truth may not be your truth, but I intend to speak it nonetheless."
Worker-Participation (Europe)
"Statutory worker involvement in company decision-making strengthens a democratic, social and competitive Europe..."
"Where Charities, Volunteers, and Activism meet on the web..."
Works in Progress
"Our aim is to confront injustice and encourage a participatory democracy based on economic, social, and environmental justice...."
"...a unique online Citizen TV channel set up and run by the education charity WORLDwrite. Dedicated to advancing new knowledge, skills and ideas, the charity promotes excellence in citizen reporting and provides free training to volunteer-learners which combines practical film making with tackling challenging issues."
World Homeless Union
"... in unity and solidarity with the millions of homeless, and with the billions of near-homeless men, women and children struggling for freedom from poverty and oppression throughout the world."
World In Conversation Project, The
" create dialogues about social and cultural issues that expand perspectives and invite greater understanding between people--locally and globally."
World Policy Institute
"... an inclusive and sustainable global market economy, engaged global civic participation and effective governance, and collaborative approaches to national and global security."
World War 4 Report
"Defending the Fourth World, Deconstructing Overseas Contingency Operations"
Yes! Magazine
"Today's world is not the one we want-climate change, financial collapse, poverty, and war leave many feeling overwhelmed and hopeless...."
Yes Men, The
"Impersonating big-time criminals in order to publicly humiliate them. Our targets are leaders and big corporations who put profits ahead of everything else...."
Your Activist News Source
"Here, I will be shedding light on the real issues that we face everyday. Instead of taking sides, I will bring you information that will unite us rather than divide us. Our world today is full of opinionated idiots whose job is to only separate and confuse us..."
Your Cause
"...Developing Global Good..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.