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PolyCentral Florida
"A Discussion and Social Group for those Polyamorous in the Orlando area..."
http://www.polycentralfl.com/ ~ http://polycentral.andmuchmore.com/

PolyChi (Chicago, USA)
"A discussion forum for topics on polyamory and associated discussions. Access to resources on polyamory and related subjects, such as alternative sexuality."

PolyColumbus (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
"Welcome! If you're polyamorous, poly-friendly, or poly-curious, welcome to the list. Our hope is to provide a forum for an exchange of ideas, friendship, support and community among area polyamorists."

Poly Columbus (Ohio, USA)
"If you're polyamorous, poly-friendly, or poly-curious, welcome to the Poly Columbus web site. Our group provides a place for the exchange of ideas, friendship, support and community among central Ohio polyamorists."

"...the Polyamory Social Group for Champaign/Urbana, Illinois."

PolyDuluth (Minnesota, USA)
"Polyamory is the honest, non-possessive, responsible, and ethical philosophy and practice of experiencing and encouraging all levels of love - including affectionate, romantic, or sexual love - with multiple people, concurrently...."

PolyEauClaire (Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA)
"Polyamory is a general term covering a wide variety of relationship styles, including group marriage (polyfidelity), open marriage, and expanded family; another format is a single person who has a few long-term beloved dating partners rather than just one at a time."

PolyEdmonton: Polyamory Group for Edmonton, Canada
"Appropriate list topics will have anything to do with polyamorous issues, relationship issues, local or regional social activities notices, asking for or offering advice on any of the above mentioned. Introductions and personal ads are welcome...."

Poly Family Weekend (Georgia, USA)
"A 3 day conference for the polyamous and poly friendly family. We are the first known conference in Atlanta GA of this type."

Poly ForUUm of Greater Seattle
"...is an official local chapter of Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness (UUPA), a new nationwide organization for people interested in both polyamory and Unitarian Universalism."

Poly in Seattle (Washington State, USA)
"Poly Personal Ads accepted here! For men and women in the Seattle area who are interested in Polyamory, Polyfidelity, Polymorphism, and other forms of consenting non-monogamy. Please be sex positive and friendly."

PolyKiwis (New Zealand)
"This is a polyamory support group dedicated to poly-interested people in New Zealand. It exists to provide support to those who are living in or curious about non-monogamous, multi-partner relationships."

Poly Lesbians & Bi-Women (Seattle, Washington, USA)
"We are open to all lesbian and bi identified poly women; however, the events and activities posted are for the Seattle, and greater Puget Sound, areas only."

PolyMilwaukee (Milwaukee & Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA)
"Polyamory is not out to replace monogamy. Just as monogamy doesn't 'fit' certain individuals, neither does polyamory. The two practices are not mutually exclusive, nor opposed in any way. Like most things in life, it's a matter of personal choice."

PolyOcala (Ocala, Florida, USA)
"... for those folks in the Ocala, Florida area who are Polyamorous or who are interested in Polyamory. Polyamory is responsible, open and honest non-monogamy, and can include emotionally, mentally, and physically intimate relationships."

PolyOut (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
"... a public discussion about Polyamory, which is the non-possessive, honest, responsible, ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously."

Poly Paradise
"We are a group of Polyamorists seeking to live our dreams, and this camp is one manifestation of that. Polyamory involves openness to multiple loving relationships, with honesty among all partners."

Poly Patao Productions
"...sex-positive workshops, performance pieces, play parties, panel discussions, teach-ins, social/political groups and educational opportunities that are specially geared toward queer women, transgender, multi-gender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming and gender variant folx of color."

PolyPeople (Florida & Georgia, USA)
"...to give Polyamorous people in the Southern Georgia, Northern Florida region a place online to connect with other PolyPeople to forge new friendships, share their experiences, hopes and dreams, and arrange possible meet-ups in our area."

PolyPeople (Minnesota, USA)
"This group is designed to give Polyamorous people in or near the state of Minnesota a place online to connect with other PolyPeople to forge new friendships, share their experiences, hopes and dreams, and arrange possible meet-ups throughout MN..."

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