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Free Love, and Sexual Liberation

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Polyamory, Free Love, and Sexual Liberation Information Links

Total Links for Polyamory Information: 343

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Polyamory Information Directory
Total Archived Links: 18

Polyamory, Free Love, and Sexual Liberation Organization Links

Total Links for Polyamory Organizations: 205

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Polyamory Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 3

Top Information Links

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Loving More
"New Models For Relationships..."
http­://w­ww.l­ovem­ore.­com/­ ~ ­http­://l­ovin­gmor­enon­prof­it.o­rg/ ­~ ­http­://w­ww.l­ovin­gmor­emag­azin­e.co­m/

"...a home page for the Usenet newsgroup alt.polyamory..."

"We have stories about polyamorous households, advice on saving money, and help to find the legal arrangements you need to make your family dream a reality."

Polyamorous Percolations
"Expanding the notion of family into the realm formerly occupied by community...."

Polyamory.org.uk (UK)
"... a philosophy and lifestyle based around the forming and sustaining of relationships with multiple partners in an open, honest and non-possessive way."

Spiritual Polyamory
"...a powerful, groundbreaking work, certain to challenge and stimulate members of both the 'poly-curious' and polyamorous communities."

Live the Dream
"... an education and support group for those who, originally inspired by the writings of Robert Heinlein, Robert Rimmer and Marion Zimmer Bradley, are now ready to LIVE such alternative lifestyles as cooperative living, open relationships and group marriage."

Polyamorously Perverse
"Re-inventing a Marriage One Naughty Step at a Time..."

Alternatives to Marriage Project
"... a national nonprofit organization advocating for equality and fairness for unmarried people, including people who are single, who choose not to marry, cannot marry, or live together before marriage."

Liberated Christians Polyamory Cyber Center
"Resource, Support & Fellowship Cyber Center For All Regardless of Religious Belief, especially Christians overcoming traditions with no biblical basis..."

Top Organization Links

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National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
"The goal was to fight for sexual freedom and privacy rights for all adults who engage in safe, sane and consensual behavior."

National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC)
"When can abstinence-only sex ed work? When it's not really abstinence-only...."

Family Synergy
"...a Social/Educational Club in Southern California supporting Open Relationships..."

Institute for 21st Century Relationships, The
"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness...."

Human Awareness Institute (HAI)
"For many people sexuality is a taboo subject. HAI offers a forum to learn, share our fears about and discuss intimate relationships...."

Sexual Freedom Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (SFLDEF)
"Polyamory, swinging, BDSM and fetishism are among the kinds of sexual and lifestyle choices which may expose adherents to legal problems. We believe that the government should not interfere with consensual sexual expression among adults...."

Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness (UUPA)
"...an organization for UUs with an interest in polyamory..."

San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI)
"... trains people to become sex educators and operates a free information and referral switchboard. We provide free, confidential, accurate, non-judgmental information about sex and reproductive health."

Triangle Polyamory Network (TPN)
"To date the group has had open forum discussions, has had invited speakers address the group on poly issues, and is working to start having social activities where group members can socialize in a non-meeting setting...."

National Association of Swing Clubs (NASCA)
"... an Association of Clubs, Events, Services and others related to the Swinger / Lifestyle Community. If you are looking for a club, this is the place to start."

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