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Free Love, and Sexual Liberation

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"...eclectic/solitary practicing pagan ancestor/universe/ goddess worshiping, kinky (doesn't mean i'll be sexual with just anyone), queer'd (i lived a good portion of my life as a lesbian turned dyke before i decided queer as a way to indicate my radical sexuality-oriented political..."

Academic Sexual Correctness (ASC)
"The purpose of this web site is to serve as a forum for the discussion and sharing of information regarding all aspects of university sexual control issues: speech, censorship, harassment, student-professor fraternization, etc."

activist on a mission to initiate change
"The truth is I am a saucy, kind & kinky, sex-positive activist and educator residing in Vancouver BC. I passionately teach sex education classes, host educational, social, and play-based adult sex, bondage & S/m parties..."

Adrienne Parker-Morano - Psychotherapist / Life Coach
"I am a Relationship Counselor who specializes in sexuality; spirituality; communication; truthtelling; and alternative relationship styles such as polyamory. I am LGBTQI affirmative."

Adventures in Multiplicity
"Among my multitudes are Buddhism, pacifism, polyamory, self-examination, libraries, and science. Perhaps my various adventures will be interesting to others."

Advice and Consent
"I'm Delilah, formerly a professional dominatrix in the Boston area. Now I'm a kink counselor and educator, offering individual and couple/group sessions to people who want to learn how to bring kink safely into their own lives...."

Ageless Polyamory
"...those who recognize love across the generation gap and are open to loving more than one in loving, honest relationships."

Alt.polyamory FAQ Archive
"Alt.polyamory is a USENET newsgroup more or less full of people interested in talking about polyamory and related topics."

"...a home page for the Usenet newsgroup alt.polyamory..."

Alta-Glamour.com Book Gallery
"Some of our specialties: sexology; sexual medicine; contraception; pornography and censorship; erotic photography and art; gay and lesbian studies..."

"Professional Coaching and Counselling for the Alternative Sexuality Community..."

Alternative Lifestyles Page
"...dedicated to the free thinkers of the world. Those who ask why?"

Alternatives to Marriage Project
"... a national nonprofit organization advocating for equality and fairness for unmarried people, including people who are single, who choose not to marry, cannot marry, or live together before marriage."

Amanda Earl
"I'm an Ottawa writer, amateur songwriter, singer and small press publisher, a polyamorous love anarchist and an ethical slut. This site acts as a central hub for my shenanigans."

Amplify Your Voice
"Rights. Respect. Responsibility: it's so sensible. Yet it is a radical departure from the status quo of censorship of information about sexuality; hypocrisy from the media, culture, and elected officials; and youth exclusion from decision-making...."

Annie Sprinkle
"I'm an artist, sexologist, ecosexual, author, lecturer, educator and thespian. I've also been a sex worker of all sorts, a pioneering adult film director/performer and a professional photographer. I'm the first porn star to have earned a Ph.D...."

Anonymous Polyamorist, The
"...intuitions and ideas about polyamory (being in love with many people at the same time), open relationships (allowing oneself and partners to explore other relationships, be they romantic, sexual, or some combination of both) and other multi-person adventures in intimacy & sexuality."

Aphrodite's Web
"Resources for the celebration and enhancement of love, intimacy, ecstasy, and partnership...."

arianainlove: confessions of a bisexual polyamorist
"I am playing with freedom, writing from a space of giving myself permission for anything, for everything...."

Arizona Polyamory Resources
"Many people have found that for them, it's possible to love more than one other person. The word 'polyamory' was coined to describe such a lifestyle...."

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