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Susquehanna Valley Polyamory Network (SVPN)
"The intention of this group is to allow Poly minded persons located in the Southcentral Pennsylvania Northern Maryland areas to network, locate local like-minded persons, to keep abreast of local Poly-orientated events, gatherings, news...."

Swinger Wife Barter Club
"...is an Adult Barter Club where you can trade anything for anything. Meet professional men who will work naked."

Tac-OlyPoly (South-Sound Area, Washington, USA)
"We're a group of people with varying backgrounds and lifestyles looking to find solace and a sense of community with others who also believe in extending their hearts, minds, and families to include loving more than one person at a time. Come on in...."

Three Rivers Polyamory Network (TRPN)
"...a support and social group for poly folk in the Pittsburgh area. (poly = polyamory, polyfidelity, open marraige, chosen family, romantic networks, etc.)"

TN Poly (Tennessee, USA)
"This is a discussion group for polyamorous and poly-friendly folk in the Tennessee area. We have members from all over TN and surrounding states. Let's all chat and make some new friends, have fun, and find out more about what makes polyamory work...."

Toronto Ethical Lover Group (Canada)
"...for people interested in and/or already involved in, or who are completely supportive of, poly/non-monogamous relationships. It is a forum to discuss strategies and issues related to building healthy and happy poly/non-monogamous relationships."

Toronto Poly (Canada)
"...a new online resource for Toronto's polyamorous community."

Transcending Boundaries Conference (TBC)
"...for persons whose sexual orientation, sexuality, gender identity, sex, or relationship style do not fit within the binary confines of male or female, gay or straight, monogamous or single."

Triangle Polyamory Network (TPN)
"To date the group has had open forum discussions, has had invited speakers address the group on poly issues, and is working to start having social activities where group members can socialize in a non-meeting setting...."

Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness (UUPA)
"...an organization for UUs with an interest in polyamory..."

Utah Polyamory Society (USA)
"...a social and peer support group for those interested in Polyamory who live in Utah and surrounding states. Our goal is to provide an accepting atmosphere for open discussions about polyamory and related issues."

Vancouver Island Polyamory Social and Discussion Group
"We have a group camping area within the larger campground and our expectations are for a larger group than last year as we continue to grow every year...."
http://www.vanisle-polyamory.com/ ~ http://www.geocities.com/vanisle_poly/

VanPoly (BC, Canada)
"... a polyamory support/discussion group based in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), Canada. Polyamory, or poly for short, involves openness to multiple loving relationships, with honesty, openness, and consent among all partners."
http://www.vanpoly.org/ ~ http://www.alternatives.com/vanpoly/

VA Poly Personals (Virginia, USA)
"This list is for finding other polyamorous individuals, couples, and groups in and around the state of Virginia. If you're poly and looking, then this is the place to post your personal ad."

Victoria Poly 101 (Canada)
"Discussion-based group in Victoria, Canada, on the concept of polyamory and what it means ideologically and practically to love more than one person ethically and openly."

W. Mass Poly Discuss (USA)
"This is a discussion list for polyamorists in the Western Massachusetts and surrounding areas and their loved ones...."

Weirdness Events
"Events Announcements for House Weirdness in San Leandro. Home of the long-running Poly Pool Party in the SF East Bay!"

Western MA Polyamory Group
"This is the Western MA Polyamory Group events list. This list is for planning and announcing of poly related events in the Pioneer Valley and general Western MA area."

Western Mass Polyamory Resource Group (USA)
"...a support and coordination network of Polyamorous individuals..."

Wichita Polyamorists (Kansas, USA)
"This group is a local forum for communication, networking and fellowship among polyamorists in the Wichita KS area. This group is for discussion and is not a dating service...."

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