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Toy With Me
"Not willing to go down without a fight I researched endlessly to save my dwindling sex life. The result - rediscovering myself and a new improved sex life along with it...."

Triad Marriage
"We are here to serve as a live and active community sounding board for Polyamory and Polyfidelity...."

Tristate Poly
"We count many different configurations of relationships in polyamory, but they have in common honesty and consensuality..."
http://www.tristatepoly.org/ ~ http://www.polyamory.org/~joe/nynj/

Truth Bearer
"Polygamy is in the Bible. Polygamy is found throughout history. These facts prove that marriage's definition includes plural marriage."

uk-poly mailing list
"...an email list for polyamorous people in United Kingdom and closely aligned others. The list is for members only, we have a procedure for joining..."

Unlimited Loving
"Polyamory is a lifestyle that accommodates multiple loving relationships. Unlimited loving, in an open and honest manner with respect for all. Love lets you feel you are alive..."

Utopian Polygamy
"The Inner-Circle Movement(s) of Confidant Individuals-Family-Friends-Associates for self-sustaining support, feedback, and networking!"

Våre liv som oss (Our lives as we are) (Norway)
"Polyamori er ikke for alle. Det krever mye av tid tid og ditt liv, men når det fungerer er det så uendelig mye bedre enn noe annet...."

Venus in Gemini
"Polyamory is an term which refers to the practice or philosophy of having multiple loving relationships with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved. There are many different forms that polyamorous relationships can take..."

"The inside of a dirty mind is a surprisingly happy, sparkling place...."

Violet Blue :: Open Source Sex
"She is regarded as the foremost expert in the field of sex and technology, a sex-positive pundit in mainstream media (MacLife, The Oprah Winfrey Show, others) and is regularly interviewed, quoted and featured prominently by major media outlets...."

virgin I was and the pervert I became, the
"Reflections on sex and all its glory, by Ecksvie..."

Waking Up, Poly
"A 27 year old, professional, polyamorous wife & lover, living in beautiful British Columbia..."

Waking Vixen
"I am a sexuality rights & new media activist: Program Officer, Online Communications and Campaigns at the International Women's Health Coalition."

Wanton Woman, A
"This site is a compliation and re-posting of the blogs that I have written over the last 2 years as I explored the worlds of casual sex, swinging, and now kink..."

Wendy-O Matik
"...a Bay area based freelance writer, published poet, and radical love activist."

We Sleep Together
"Jenny and John have an Open Marriage. They do all manor of sexy things with other people, with one rule above all others: Every single night, they sleep in the same bed together...."

What Psychology Professionals Should Know About Polyamory
"The Lifestyles and Mental Health Concerns of Polyamorous Individuals..."

Working Hearts
"How do we as sex workers navigate our non-paid relationships: sex, intimacy and love? A conversataion about our working hearts."

World's Only Single Polyamorist, The
"Poly means responsible nonmonogamy and complete openness with partners, so it also means discussing it early in any relationship that might turn serious, because anyone I'm dating seriously has a right to know about it...."

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