Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Featured Links of Sun, 01 Dec, 2013.
Featured Link: Revolution and Social Justice
Outta Your Backpack Media (OYBMedia)
"...an Indigenous youth response to the need for media justice in our communities. We seek to create community ownership of media through youth empowerment. We challenge corporate dominated media by telling our own stories and by establishing our own networks and opportunities for media distribution."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Information
Human Liberation Animal Liberation
"What is Animal Liberation? Animal liberation is the notion that all animals, regardless of their species, deserve freedom from exploitation and oppression. That means no cages, no owners, and no cruelty."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Organizations
Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (Africa)
"...formed on November 2000 with the aim of fighting evictions, water cut-offs and poor health services, obtaining free electricity, securing decent housing, and opposing police brutality. The AEC is currently an umbrella body for over 10 community organizations, crisis committees, and concerned residents movements..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Information
Women's Educational Media
"Since 1978, Women's Educational Media has produced and distributed films and educational resources on issues ranging from environmental concerns to affordable housing to preventing prejudice. Working closely with educators, activists, national and local organizations, we ensure that our films are used to inspire meaningful social change."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Organizations
Deep Green Resistance Austin: Building A Culture Of Resistance To Defend The Natural World
"The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Surviving Oppression
Support Vegans in the Prison System (Support VIPS)
"...a volunteer based group working to help vegan individuals live a healthy vegan lifestyle, which is an expression of their deeply held ethical values. We act as a crucial link between the incarcerated community and the Bureau of Prisons, provide information about veganism to the prison population..."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Making Change
Carnival Against Vivisection
"Unite and fight for the animals - 6th Sept - Sequani Labs - Ledbury, Herefordshire UK..."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Creative Problem-Solving
Anti-Injustice Movement, The (AIM)
"...a global movement of activists, political emcees and street poets who are fighting together to achieve the slow but steady destruction of global injustice."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
Featured Link: Spreading the Truth
Headwaters Forest
"...the last large unprotected ancient redwood ecosystem left in the U.S. when Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz took over Pacific Lumber Company, raiding the company's pension plan, selling off its assets, and doubling the logging in the forest so he could pay back his junk bonds debt."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present. (11 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days, 6 Hours, 48 Minutes, 52 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: