Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Featured Links of Mon, 01 Apr, 2013.
Featured Link: Revolution and Social Justice
Home Depot Sucks
"As the frenzied search for the earth's remaining natural resources by corporations continues, issues of environmental sustainability and human rights take a backseat to corporations' drive for profit."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Information
Fuck Yeah Permaculture
"The philosophy behind permaculture is one of working with, rather than against, nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions, rather than asking only one yield of them; and allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Organizations
Sisters of Resistance
"We are an international group of revolutionary young women comprising of, but not limited to, a Sicilian, vegan PhD student from Bow E3 (the home of grime), and a pro-vegan, American child of immigrants, spoken word artist, teacher and femcee."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Information
Link Crusader
"Over 3000 Links to Anti-Bush Sites, Progressive Sites, U.S. Coup in Haiti, Gov. 'Gropenator', Voting Machine Fraud, Weblogs, News, Activist Tools, Campus Activism, & Yahoo! Message Boards..."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Organizations
Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival
"...an annual fundraising event benefiting the Indiana Youth Group (IYG), a non-profit organization founded in 1987 to serve the needs of Indiana LGBT teens."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Surviving Oppression
Free Sean Kirtley!: Imprisoned by the State for Peaceful Protest
"Sean Kirtley was imprisoned by the state after an 18 week trial which was at the time the longest running animal rights trial in history. He tirelessly campaigned against animal abuse and was always protesting against fur, foie gras and most notably Sequani labs in Ledbury."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Making Change
Grassroots International
"...works around the world to help small farmers and other small producers, indigenous peoples and women win resource rights: the human rights to land, water and food."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Creative Problem-Solving
Cupcakes Against Fascism: Licking Fascism One Beater At A Time
"Our goal: Continued growth of U.S.-based Antifa movements, The end of the state, capital, and all its oppressive forms; Our tactics: Street fighting, Sweet-tooth exploitation, Material support; Our tools: Whatever we find in the street, on our belt, or in our pocket, Hand mixers, Silk screens..."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
Featured Link: Spreading the Truth
Animal Liberation Hallmarks
"...provide a platform for groups and individuals that perceive animal liberation as a movement for liberation of both human and non-human animals and wish to exclude racist, sexist, homophobic and religious fundamentalist groups and individuals and to prevent infiltration by such elements."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013. (1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: