Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Past Featured Links of Spreading the Truth
"...an intimate documentary portrait of the sixties revolutionary group the Brotherhood of Eternal Love--a small band of surfers and hippies that tried to change the world through LSD."
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Oct, 2012 to Thu, 01 Nov, 2012.
(30 Days, 13 Hours, 39 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"Skeptical Vegan was raised in the American South on a steady diet of colloidal silver, cryptozoology, and conspiracy theories. His contrarian curiosity and early passion for science eventually led him to skepticism and rationalism. He now makes his home in Oakland, California as he works on furthering his education..."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Nov, 2012 to Sat, 01 Dec, 2012.
(30 Days, 1 Hour, 14 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"Join us in learning, creating and amplifying a People's History of the Battle of Seattle told by the people, groups and movements who participated and made it happen. It will only work if we participate and make it work...."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Dec, 2012 to Tue, 01 Jan, 2013.
(1 Month, 23 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"Welcome Green Monsters! We're your online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals & the planet...."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 to Fri, 01 Feb, 2013.
(1 Month, 5 Hours, 34 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"...a never-ending, impossible web project by Nicholas Monsour. This is a place to collect, discuss and analyze the infinite forms of animal exploitation throughout human history."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Feb, 2013 to Fri, 01 Mar, 2013.
(27 Days, 22 Hours, 10 Seconds)
"With the closure of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural, and Population Research as one of the first acts of the Coalition government, the evidence base on which cultural diversity policies were based has shrunk year after year."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 to Mon, 01 Apr, 2013.
(1 Month, 6 Hours, 10 Minutes, 49 Seconds)
"...provide a platform for groups and individuals that perceive animal liberation as a movement for liberation of both human and non-human animals and wish to exclude racist, sexist, homophobic and religious fundamentalist groups and individuals and to prevent infiltration by such elements."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013.
(1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"...a non-profit organization that fights anti-gay religious extremism. TWO monitors anti-LGBT organizations, documents their lies and exposes their leaders as charlatans. TWO specializes in turning information into action by organizing, advocating and fighting for LGBT equality."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 04 May, 2013 to Sat, 01 Jun, 2013.
(28 Days, 3 Hours, 32 Minutes, 12 Seconds)
"Too often, information about the progress and work done within Black communities is only broadcast after the work is done -- and, usually, after the true community activists have done all of the hard work. This website will update readers on the work the Black community is doing now, to advance itself across the Americas."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Jun, 2013 to Mon, 01 Jul, 2013.
(29 Days, 19 Hours, 59 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
"...the internet's first site dedicated to raising public awareness of meat addiction. Recognizing that freedom from this terrible addiction can only be achieved by sharing our collective experience, strength, and faith, Meat Junkie aims to: Inform Americans of the economic, environmental, and social costs of meat abuse."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Jul, 2013 to Thu, 01 Aug, 2013.
(1 Month, 3 Hours, 54 Minutes, 14 Seconds)
"Everything written here is my personal opinion and not that of my employer...."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Aug, 2013 to Sun, 01 Sep, 2013.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes, 25 Seconds)
"When I'm not reading convoluted academic theory until my eyes water, I am working to uncover anti-fat biases in media representations of the fat body and examine the many intersectionalities of fat identity...."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013.
(2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
"Challenging oppression and injustice, against nonhuman animals, humans, and earth - one vegan, environmentalist, feminist, social-justice-loving, all-around-progressive post at a time."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 to Sun, 01 Dec, 2013.
(14 Days, 9 Hours, 3 Minutes, 15 Seconds)
"...the last large unprotected ancient redwood ecosystem left in the U.S. when Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz took over Pacific Lumber Company, raiding the company's pension plan, selling off its assets, and doubling the logging in the forest so he could pay back his junk bonds debt."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present.
(11 Years, 1 Month, 14 Days, 2 Hours, 17 Minutes, 38 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: