Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Past Featured Links of Spreading the Truth
"For international working class solidarity and socialism..."
Unionism, Strike, and Labor Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 15 Jan, 2011 to Tue, 01 Mar, 2011.
(1 Month, 14 Days, 7 Hours, 7 Minutes, 26 Seconds)
"...preserves the intensifying force of the word 'DAMN.'"
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Mar, 2011 to Tue, 05 Apr, 2011.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 34 Minutes, 59 Seconds)
"Net Neutrality means that Internet service providers may not discriminate between different kinds of content and applications online. It guarantees a level playing field for all Web sites and Internet technologies...."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 05 Apr, 2011 to Sat, 07 May, 2011.
(1 Month, 23 Hours, 49 Minutes, 42 Seconds)
"Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans & Psychoactives"
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 07 May, 2011 to Thu, 02 Jun, 2011.
(25 Days, 23 Hours, 45 Minutes, 57 Seconds)
"The NT Intervention promised to deliver 'real jobs' for Aboriginal communities. Instead, thousands of waged jobs have been lost and Aboriginal organisations have been crippled as Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) close down...."
Unionism, Strike, and Labor Directory Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 02 Jun, 2011 to Fri, 01 Jul, 2011.
(29 Days, 14 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"...a movement aiming at monitoring and documenting all forms of racism (sexism, classism, fatism, other isms) in Lebanon. The main focus of ARM is the slave-like conditions that most Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) in Lebanon are operating under and the racism they are exposed to endlessly, by law and people alike."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Jul, 2011 to Fri, 05 Aug, 2011.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 20 Minutes, 6 Seconds)
"This blog contains information regarding a campaign to address the lack of commitment to racial equality at Oxford University. Evidence will be provided through Freedom Of Information requests, press reports and personal experiences of Black students and employees of Oxford University colleges."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 05 Aug, 2011 to Mon, 05 Sep, 2011.
(1 Month, 20 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
"...to supply that extra measure of anarchist history to those who are hopelessly addicted to learning about the men and women who have struggled for centuries, searching for ways to eliminate governments from the Earth. This editor is such an addict..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 05 Sep, 2011 to Sun, 02 Oct, 2011.
(26 Days, 23 Hours, 25 Minutes, 41 Seconds)
"The five-pillar model is intended to be a hip, swanky extension of the intersectional sexism/racism/classism trifecta of subjugation and discrimination that's been part of the radical analytical framework for the past few decades..."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Nov, 2011 to Wed, 07 Dec, 2011.
(1 Month, 4 Days, 23 Hours, 53 Minutes, 29 Seconds)
"This site is dedicated to comments from an anarchist point of view. Comments on events and circumstances carried out by governments and the corporate world, often in our name but usually beyond our control...."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 07 Dec, 2011 to Wed, 11 Jan, 2012.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes, 20 Seconds)
"In just three years, we have grown to more than 5,000,000 members and supporters online who believe that the climate crisis is real and that the time to act is now...."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 11 Jan, 2012 to Sat, 04 Feb, 2012.
(24 Days, 21 Minutes, 41 Seconds)
"...a broad-based, international coalition that opposes forced abortion and sexual slavery in China. Our immediate goal is to raise public awareness regarding the coercive enforcement of China's One Child Policy..."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 04 Feb, 2012 to Thu, 01 Mar, 2012.
(25 Days, 15 Hours, 50 Minutes, 26 Seconds)
"...a campaign-style operation that tracks and challenges the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage as it tries to influence elections and legislative campaigns across the country."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Mar, 2012 to Sun, 01 Apr, 2012.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 2 Minutes, 45 Seconds)
"RFE/RL journalists report the news in 21 countries where a free press is banned by the government or not fully established. We provide what many people cannot get locally: uncensored news, responsible discussion, and open debate..."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Apr, 2012 to Wed, 02 May, 2012.
(30 Days, 22 Hours, 39 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
"Singapore, which routinely persecute dissenters and critics, continue to hang young drug runners while at the same time work closely with Burmese military generals, and has invested billions in business ties with Burma, one of the biggest heroin manufacturing countries the world...."
Death Penalty, and Capital Punishment Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 02 May, 2012 to Fri, 08 Jun, 2012.
(1 Month, 6 Days, 7 Hours, 38 Minutes, 16 Seconds)
"We believe that the so-called Latino is the original and rightful caretakers of this part of the world. Therefore, we are not immigrants. We believe that the so-called Latino is a descendant of some the world's most advanced and beautiful (indigenous) cultures of the world..."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 08 Jun, 2012 to Sun, 01 Jul, 2012.
(22 Days, 16 Hours, 32 Minutes, 55 Seconds)
"Even within the framework of capitalism, legalization is the only acceptable option...."
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012.
(30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
"...an aggregation journal tracking news and information about the the most devastating war in human history. The war on children. The war this society refuses to recognize. Because we are all victims of it."
Child Abuse, and Child Neglect Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 01 Aug, 2012 to Sat, 01 Sep, 2012.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 44 Minutes, 32 Seconds)
"In 1976, Bruce was hired by High Times Magazine when the magazine was published by Yippie radical Tom Focade (1976-1977) as a contributing editor...."
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Sep, 2012 to Mon, 01 Oct, 2012.
(30 Days, 11 Hours, 28 Minutes, 44 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: