Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Past Featured Links of Inactive Organizations
"...a grassroots activist organization that has worked for social change since 1975. We want to live in a world which has a just distribution of resources and a political system based on empowerment, participation and responsibility."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Oct, 2012 to Thu, 01 Nov, 2012.
(30 Days, 13 Hours, 39 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"We believe that such relationships between two adults, whether of the same or different genders, are sacred relationships, and should be recognized in law and respected by all...."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Nov, 2012 to Sat, 01 Dec, 2012.
(30 Days, 1 Hour, 14 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"...an independent, nonprofit institute that provides research and education resources to grassroots groups, unions, policymakers and journalists interested in the Federal Reserve System and financial markets."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Dec, 2012 to Tue, 01 Jan, 2013.
(1 Month, 23 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"...began with a dream and vision of George Meany that labor have its own college: a national center that would provide continuous labor education for all union activists."
Unionism, Strike, and Labor Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 to Fri, 01 Feb, 2013.
(1 Month, 5 Hours, 34 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"We seek to improve the lives of all people in the greater community so that each, with no discrimination, may live in an environment that is welcoming, healthy, safe, and respectful of the differences that are present in a diverse society...."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Feb, 2013 to Fri, 01 Mar, 2013.
(27 Days, 22 Hours, 10 Seconds)
"Our mission is to serve our community and our people. To serve as the voice for our people. To be an example to a generation that is short of positive role models. We are not here for personal gain nor riches. We are here to help those that are oppressed and need a voice."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 to Mon, 01 Apr, 2013.
(1 Month, 6 Hours, 10 Minutes, 49 Seconds)
"...an annual fundraising event benefiting the Indiana Youth Group (IYG), a non-profit organization founded in 1987 to serve the needs of Indiana LGBT teens."
Gay Rights, and Gay Equality Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Apr, 2013 to Sat, 04 May, 2013.
(1 Month, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes, 22 Seconds)
"...a network of individuals from across the globe united by a desire to promote liberty through activism, information technology, and voluntary cooperation. We oppose coercion in all its forms."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 04 May, 2013 to Sat, 01 Jun, 2013.
(28 Days, 3 Hours, 32 Minutes, 12 Seconds)
"...an Australian animal rights organisation dedicated to ending all human activity that harms nonhuman animals and all anthropocentric and speciesist attitudes. As such, we act as a voice for the most exploited and vulnerable creatures on earth. Animal Liberation was founded in 1976 and now has branches in all states of Australia..."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Jun, 2013 to Mon, 01 Jul, 2013.
(29 Days, 19 Hours, 59 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
"...a grassroots network of people who consciously work to develop anti-racist, multiracial politics in the movement against global capitalism. We are committed to helping build an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial, feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against global capitalism."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 01 Jul, 2013 to Thu, 01 Aug, 2013.
(1 Month, 3 Hours, 54 Minutes, 14 Seconds)
"...a coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to halting the rise of the racist right."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Aug, 2013 to Sun, 01 Sep, 2013.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes, 25 Seconds)
"...a coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to halting the rise of the racist right."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Sep, 2013 to Sun, 17 Nov, 2013.
(2 Months, 14 Days, 23 Hours, 51 Minutes, 58 Seconds)
"...ugly page, events, links..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 to Sun, 01 Dec, 2013.
(14 Days, 9 Hours, 3 Minutes, 15 Seconds)
"The individuals who have been working together as Deep Green Resistance Austin have left Deep Green Resistance, due to differences with the national organization. We will continue working under the ideals that brought us together."
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Dec, 2013 to Present.
(11 Years, 1 Month, 14 Days, 2 Hours, 11 Minutes, 35 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: