Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Past Featured Links of Inactive Information
"In short 'council communism' was/is the critical and theoretical reflection of the revolutionary mass struggles of the working class in western Europe - especially those in Germany - following the I. World War...."
Socialism, Communism, and Collectivism Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 15 Jan, 2011 to Tue, 01 Mar, 2011.
(1 Month, 14 Days, 7 Hours, 7 Minutes, 26 Seconds)
"...voice of the rebel worker..."
Socialism, Communism, and Collectivism Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Mar, 2011 to Tue, 05 Apr, 2011.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 34 Minutes, 59 Seconds)
"...share information about zapata and zapatismo with members from around the world..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 05 Apr, 2011 to Sat, 07 May, 2011.
(1 Month, 23 Hours, 49 Minutes, 42 Seconds)
"The way a person can claim that it is wrong to eat meat is by comparing it to cannibalism. That is, since it is immoral to eat human beings, it is in the same manner immoral to eat other animals...."
Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 07 May, 2011 to Thu, 02 Jun, 2011.
(25 Days, 23 Hours, 45 Minutes, 57 Seconds)
"This is a blog about Cannabis. It features a grow journal where I write my everyday experiences while im cultivating and purchasing some of the finest cannabis in the world..."
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 02 Jun, 2011 to Fri, 01 Jul, 2011.
(29 Days, 14 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"Libertarian communists are also called anarchists. Anarchists are opposed to capitalism and the state, and they believe the working class must organize to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an egalitarian, libertarian system..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 01 Jul, 2011 to Fri, 05 Aug, 2011.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 20 Minutes, 6 Seconds)
"Libertarian communists are also called anarchists. Anarchists are opposed to capitalism and the state, and they believe the working class must organize to overthrow capitalism and replace it with an egalitarian, libertarian system..."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 05 Aug, 2011 to Mon, 05 Sep, 2011.
(1 Month, 20 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
"What can M. Gilliland's The Free contribute to an understanding of the conceptual structure of modern British class struggle anarchism? 'There's a General Strike on, and thousands were still arriving from the North suburbs who had missed the battle.'"
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Mon, 05 Sep, 2011 to Sun, 02 Oct, 2011.
(26 Days, 23 Hours, 25 Minutes, 41 Seconds)
"Mainstream media outlets would have you believe that there is no strength in cohesive communities, that it is okay to disrespect the land you live on and the people and other animals who live there, and that resistance to dominant culture and political decisions don't exist in Boston."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 02 Oct, 2011 to Tue, 01 Nov, 2011.
(30 Days, 33 Minutes, 49 Seconds)
"...contains over 200 anarchist graphics and anti-prison graphics. Please feel free to peruse and use these images for your flyers, websites and more. Unless noted, these images may be distributed freely."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Tue, 01 Nov, 2011 to Wed, 07 Dec, 2011.
(1 Month, 4 Days, 23 Hours, 53 Minutes, 29 Seconds)
"...allows high school students across the country to connect with other students and citizens who are knowledgable in the field of student rights and get help in matters related to school and societies."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 07 Dec, 2011 to Wed, 11 Jan, 2012.
(1 Month, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 57 Minutes, 20 Seconds)
"Sinclair executives have also demonstrated their political leanings with their wallets: Sinclair vice president Frederick G. Smith has donated more than $200,000 to Republican candidates and organizations during the 2000, 2002, and 2004 election cycles...."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 11 Jan, 2012 to Sat, 04 Feb, 2012.
(24 Days, 21 Minutes, 41 Seconds)
"Esso doesn't give a damn about global warming. It's doing more than any oil company to sabotage international action on global warming. Thousands of people boycott Esso. Here's why."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 04 Feb, 2012 to Thu, 01 Mar, 2012.
(25 Days, 15 Hours, 50 Minutes, 26 Seconds)
"...to encourage dialogue between the libertarian right with their critique of centralized government and the libertarian left with their critique of monopoly capitalism..."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Thu, 01 Mar, 2012 to Sun, 01 Apr, 2012.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 2 Minutes, 45 Seconds)
"...a place for news and views from a union perspective. Originally called The Willow Grove Twilight Steward Info Site, this site was started in 2003, and continues to be administered today, by Howard Hall, a Teamsters Local 384 Shop Steward at UPS."
Unionism, Strike, and Labor Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Apr, 2012 to Wed, 02 May, 2012.
(30 Days, 22 Hours, 39 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
"Why anti-fascism.org? Because fascism kills people and fascists are active in today's world. Fascism is not a philosophy. Fascism it not a political theory, an opinion, or a weltanshaung. Fascism is a rationalization for mass murder and the destruction of democratic institutions."
Racism, and Race Relations Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 02 May, 2012 to Fri, 08 Jun, 2012.
(1 Month, 6 Days, 7 Hours, 38 Minutes, 16 Seconds)
"...exists as a resource for those interested in anarchist fiction, whether for scholarly pursuits or just to find books written by or about those who oppose the existence of the state."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Fri, 08 Jun, 2012 to Sun, 01 Jul, 2012.
(22 Days, 16 Hours, 32 Minutes, 55 Seconds)
"...it is intended to help open the minds of people who have been brought up to believe in some form of religious dogma. If your beliefs cannot stand up to reasonable questioning, why should you hang onto them?"
Atheism, Rationalism, and Freethought Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012.
(30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
"But, as the story goes with all of those who have been persecuted during the green scare, Rod has not been given a date for release, and has been told that he is 'a special case.' Special as in he is deserving of extra attention because he gave a speech?"
Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory
Featured Link from Wed, 01 Aug, 2012 to Sat, 01 Sep, 2012.
(30 Days, 23 Hours, 44 Minutes, 32 Seconds)
"An Atheistic Examination of the Culture of Belief: How Religious Devotion Trivializes American Law and Politics...First, there is no God. In fact, all definitions of the word 'God' are either self-contradictory, incoherent, meaningless or refuted by empirical, scientific evidence."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sat, 01 Sep, 2012 to Mon, 01 Oct, 2012.
(30 Days, 11 Hours, 28 Minutes, 44 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: