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Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence

organizations links

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Domestic Abuse Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 5

Viewing 101 - 120 of 297 Links for Domestic Abuse Organizations.
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Dove House Advocacy Services (Washington State, USA)
"Formerly the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program of Jefferson County, the private nonprofit corporation is Jefferson County's sole provider of free services to victims of family and sexual violence...."

East Fife Women's Aid (EFWA)
"We are a voluntary group which provides information, support and refuge to women, children and young people with experience of domestic abuse."

Eastside Domestic Violence Program (EDVP)
"...envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive. Our programs and services are diverse and range from shelters to counseling."

Emerge! Center (Arizona, USA)
"We're committed to improving and expanding services to all members of our community who are experiencing domestic abuse in their lives...."

"...a Massachusetts Certified Batterer Intervention Program & Training Site. For information on Certification Guidelines for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts..."

FaithTrust Institute
"...an International, Multifaith Training and Education Organization..."
http://faithtrustinstitute.org/ ~ http://www.cpsdv.org/

Family of Woodstock (New York, USA)
"...a network of individuals, paid and volunteer, whose mission is to provide confidential and fully accessible crisis intervention, information, prevention, and support services to address the needs of individuals and families."

Family Research Laboratory (FRL)
"... devoted itself primarily to understanding family violence and the impact of violence in families."

Family Shelter Service
"We provide many services for victims of domestic violence. We provide individual and group counseling, court advocacy and services..."

Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPV)
"... works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence."

Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. (FVPS) (San Antonio, California, USA)
"...helping victims of domestic violence in San Antonio since 1977. FVPS began as an emergency shelter for women and children and we now offer a complete array of shelter, transitional housing, counseling, children's, and legal services..."

Fillmore Family Resources, Inc. (FFR)
"...helps those who have been affected by domestic violence or other types of crime...."

Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV)
"...founded on principles of cooperation and unity among shelters. Today, FCADV serves as the professional association for Florida's 42 domestic violence centers."

Focus Ministries
"To educate and train churches, organizations, support group leaders, and concerned friends and family members about the dynamics of domestic violence and abusive relationships."

Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project (GMDVP)
"...provides crisis intervention, support and resources for victims and survivors of domestic abuse."

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (GCADV)
"...brings together member agencies, allied organizations and supportive individuals who are committed to ending domestic violence. Guided by the voices of survivors, we work to create social change by addressing the root causes of this violence."

Gift From Within
"An International Nonprofit Organization for Survivors of Trauma and Victimization..."

Global Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCA-DV)
"To be the change agent in modifying unacceptable societal attitudes, cultures and organizations that promotes or tolerates domestic violence against women, girls, boys and disabled persons...."

Gloucester Men Against Domestic Violence (GMADA)
"Men everywhere need to get together, break the 'sissy' barrier, and end our silence that has condoned the abuse."

Good News Family Care
"Families who stay with us are offered an appropriate level of support and trained counsellors are on hand to support parents in a number of key areas..."

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