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Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence

organizations links

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Domestic Abuse Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 5

Viewing 81 - 100 of 297 Links for Domestic Abuse Organizations.
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Domestic Violence Center of Chester County (DVCCC) (Pennsylvania, USA)
"...committed to empowering survivors of domestic abuse through information, and supporting them as they reclaim their lives."

Domestic Violence Center of Howard County, The (DVC)
"...the sole provider of domestic violence and sexual assault services in Howard County. Being a comprehensive agency, the DVC helps all members of the family including women, children and men impacted by violence."

Domestic Violence Center of Santa Clarita County
"...to: Promote and preserve non-violent non-abusive family systems through intervention, prevention and education...."
http://www.dvcsantaclarita.com/ ~ http://domesticviolencecenterscv.org/

Domestic Violence Community Coordinated Response Team, The (DVCCRT)
"...a multi-disciplinary team of local professionals who work in the field of domestic violence prevention, domestic violence intervention, law, education, faith community and health care. Participation in this group is open to any community member."

Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, The (DVCC) (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
"...brings people together to end domestic violence, making our community a safer place to live."

Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE, Inc.)
"We seek to empower our clients and the community by providing safety, shelter, education and support services...."

Domestic Violence Institute (DVI) (Northeastern University School of Law)
"...an education, service and research organization dedicated to combating partner abuse."

Domestic Violence Institute, The (DVI)
"Our mission is to educate and train professionals and lay people, conduct research, and impact public policy about violence against women, children, men, the elderly and promote survival of the non-abusive family...."

Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County, Inc. (DVI)
"We believe that no person has the right to harm another. It is our goal to provide support, sanctuary and assistance to all victims of violence in the communities of Lebanon County...."

Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) (Iowa City, Iowa, USA)
"...to provide comprehensive support and advocacy services to victim/survivors, focusing on immediate and long-term safety, empowerment, dignity, and hope."

Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc. (DVIS)/Call Rape
"Rebuilding lives affected by domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, shelter, counseling, and education..."

Domestic Violence Network (DVN)
"...to assist direct service organizations, grassroot organizations, public agencies, and businesses do an even better job of helping those impacted by domestic abuse."

Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC)
"We have zero tolerance for all forms of violence: we believe in everyone's right to live free from harm."

Domestic Violence Services (DVS) of Greater New Haven (Connecticut, USA)
"Our mission is to create an environment that supports individual safety and breaks the cycle of domestic violence...."

Domestic Violence Services Network (DVSN)
"...domestic violence is defined as a pattern of coercive control that one individual intermittently exerts over another by means of spiritual, emotional, sexual, physical, or economic abuse."

Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties (DVS)
"...comprised of caring and dedicated individuals - focused on providing the best advocacy and support services for domestic violence victims in our community."

Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (DVS/CP)
"...to provide services and support to those who are experiencing domestic violence and to foster, as resources allow, social and systems change through education and advocacy."

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County (DVS) (Washington State, USA)
"...dedicated to ending domestic abuse by providing a wide range of services for victims, including their children, and by facilitating social change."
http://www.dvs-snoco.org/ ~ http://www.snococbw.org/

Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. (Wilmington, North Carolina, USA)
"We work toward empowering the increasing number of victims and their families to break the cycle of domestic violence...."

Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County (DVS)
"Providing safe and confidential shelter for battered women and their children throughout Santa Barbara County...."

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