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Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence

organizations links

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Domestic Abuse Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 5

Viewing 281 - 297 of 297 Links for Domestic Abuse Organizations.
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Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance (VSDVAA)
"We are a coalition of people and agencies committed to ending sexual and domestic violence...."

Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP)
"...views sexual assault as a means of power, control, and manipulation of others and as a social phenomenon which adversely affects adults and children."

Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)
"...information on our trainings, program assistance, and projects, as well as information on domestic violence and links to programs that assist domestic violence victims and work to prevent domestic violence."

Welsh Women's Aid (WWA)
"...founded in 1978 to campaign and lobby for improvements in public policy and government legislation in relation to women and children experiencing domestic abuse in Wales."

West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WVCADV)
"...a statewide network of community-based domestic violence programs and statewide office working to end personal and institutional violence in the lives of women, children and men."

White Ribbon Campaign (WRC)
"Think about the kind of man you want to be: kind, responsible, one that shares equally in family life and respects women and girls...."

Willapa Chapter DAWN
"A new millennium organization utilizing the Internet, Willapa Chapter DAWN remains unique in its operation...."

Willow Domestic Violence Center, The (Kansas, USA)
"...provides safe-shelter, peer counseling, advocacy and other services to survivors of domestic violence in Douglas, Franklin, and southern Jefferson counties."

Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, The (WCADV)
"...a statewide, non-profit, membership organization of battered women, formerly battered women, domestic abuse programs, and individuals committed to ending domestic violence."

Woman's Place, A (AWP) (Pennsylvania, USA)
"...provides a full range of assistance and support services for victims of domestic abuse and violence and their children, including a free 24-hour confidential hotline, a full-service residential shelter, individual and group counseling, legal and medical advocacy, and a children's program."

Womancare (Maine, USA)
"...to provide support and advocacy to persons who are affected by domestic abuse and to work toward the elimination of domestic abuse through education and social change."

Women's Aid (United Kingdom)
"...the key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. We support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK."

Women's Justice Center (Sonoma County, California, USA)
"To provide advocacy, free of charge, for victims of rape, domestic violence, and child abuse, particularly in the Latina and other under served communities of Sonoma County...."

Women's Resource Center to End Domestic Violence (WRCDV)
"...to create a society in which domestic violence no longer exists. We strive to meet the immediate needs of the diverse community of battered women and their children by providing emergency shelter and services..."

Women's Rural Advocacy Programs ("Let's Wrap")
"... cooperative of Domestic Violence Community Advocacy programs serving southwestern Minnesota. One of the services we offer to battered women is providing information - about their situation, their options, and their rights."

Women Against Domestic Violence (WADV)
"...an online organization that seeks to provide support and information to any adult or child who is or has been the victim of domestic abuse."

Womencare Shelter (Washington, USA)
"...an empowerment based organization working to end domestic violence by providing 24 hour crisis support services, emergency confidential shelter and community education."

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