Domestic Abuse,
and Domestic Violence
organizations links
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SAHELI (Support Advocate Heal Empower Listen Inform)
"... a nonprofit organization based in Austin, Texas, that provides assistance to Asian and other immigrant families dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking."
Sakhi for South Asian Women
"...a community-based organization in the New York metropolitan area committed to ending violence against women of South Asian origin."
Sanctuary for Families
"... the largest nonprofit in New York State dedicated exclusively to serving domestic violence victims and their children. Each year, Sanctuary helps thousands of victims and their children build safe lives by offering a range of high quality services to meet their complex needs."
San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium (DVC)
"...dedicated to eliminating domestic violence and ensuring the basic rights of safety, self-determination and well-being to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children."
Scottish Women's Aid
"...the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. We play a vital role campaigning and lobbying for effective responses to domestic abuse."
Second Chance Employment Services (SCES)
"... a nonprofit organization of human-resources professionals who have placed hundreds of adults in meaningful employment positions free of charge."
Service and Education for Women Against Abuse (SEWAA)
"... a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources and support to South Asian women who are victims of domestic abuse. We work with women from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan."
SHARE, Inc. (Colorado, USA)
"...a non-profit community-based safe house facility and domestic violence program started in 1981 in Fort Morgan, Colorado to serve battered women and their children in Morgan County and other areas in rural northeast Colorado."
Silent Witness National Initiative
"Promote peace, healing and responsibility in adult relationships in order to eliminate domestic murders in the United States by the year 2010...."
South Asian Helpline And Referral Agency (SAHARA)
"... committed to serving the growing community of South Asians in Southern California by providing them with information, referrals, skills development and other culturally sensitive support services..."
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SpringHaven, Inc.: Domestic Violence Elizabethtown
"Helping victims of domestic violence and their dependent children in Breckenridge County, Grayson County, Hardin County, LaRue County, Marion County, Meade County, Nelson County, and Washington County."
Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE)
"...a human rights organization that provides services, publications, and training to serve those who typically fall between the cracks of domestic violence services: straight men, GLBT victims, teens, and the elderly. We promote services for all victims and accountability for all perpetrators."
Stop Family Violence
" organize and amplify our nation's collective voice against family violence. We are a catalyst for social change - empowering people to take action..."
Stop the Silence, Inc.
"...a non-profit, charitable 501(c)3 organization, works with individuals, community- and faith-based organizations, companies amd governmental organizations in various communities - locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.