Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
information links
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East End Howler
" see an alternative, one based on a genuine sense of community and solidarity."
Eat the State
"...a forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor..."
Eberhardt Press
"...named for Isabelle Eberhardt, the great anarchist writer and adventurer who was swept away by a flash flood in Algeria at age 27, more than a hundred years ago."
"... ecoanarchist rantings from newcastle, australia..."
"Arab self-critic with particular interest in anarchistic analysis, marijuana legalization and all what bothers religious fanatics...."
Elephant Editions
" more than a collection of texts, a contribution to the great cauldron of dreams, ideas and experimentation for those who have decided to make their desires reality, now, without delay."
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Eleven O Clock Alchemy
"I am an anarchist mama and community organizer living in the Southern US."
Emma Goldman Papers, The
"Emma Goldman (1869-1940) stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism."
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"A source for empowering people and communities via the internet..."
End Times Now
"...animal defense, autonomous resistence, bp, bradley manning, canada, cascadia, censorship, corporate crime, coverups, cyberwars, die-offs, earth defense..."
Enemigo Común, El
"...a bilingual website that serves to spread awareness about, and solidarity with, social movements in Oaxaca, Mexico."
En Xarxa (Spanish)
"Web de la Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya - Noticias del mundo de trabajo-- LabourStart..."
Expert Voter
"In order for us to achieve equality, freedom, and solidarity, we must first remove Capitalism, The Church, and The State. Communism is just a type of Anarchy."
Factsheet 5
"...a comprehensive guide to zines, independent publishing and DIY culture. Factsheet 5 reviews an abundance of zines, books, blogs, web sites, music and other DIY projects. F5 also includes informative articles on zine culture, independent publishing..."
fear to sleep
" is because the future of the revolt does not include politicians and bosses, police and mass is because behind their much-advertised 'only' solution, there is a solution that does not speak of development rates and unemployment but rather, it speaks of solidarity, self-organising and human relationships."
Federalísmo Proudhoniano (Portuguese)
"No projeto anarquista a visão negativa do governo do homem pelo homem e a instituição da liberdade individual nos parece o ponto crítico da tradição e foi o que estabeleceu uma identidade efetiva entre seus adeptos."
Feminist Pages: Revolution is the Festival of the Oppressed
" make readers think about anarcha-feminism, to contribute to educational resources of the topic of anarcha-feminism; and also to re-enforce certain feminist attitudes which are desirable to hold, if you regard yourself as a revolutionary."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.