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Artistic filters and restoration by Punkerslut.
"Who's wearing red pants?"
"There was a stretch in the '90s and '00s where I stopped putting a copyright 'bug' on my work as a protest against the direction the copyright legal environment was taking. Then, around '07ish, there was a big deal in the news about how an ad agency designing a print campaign for T-Mobile scraped some woman's photo from her Flickr site and used it in their campaign without crediting or paying her -- essentially stealing her work. Ever since then, I've placed a copyright 'bug' on my work. My policy towards activist groups and 'zines is unchanged -- just write and ask, and let me know what you're doing with it, and we're cool; the copyright bug is basically there just in case some big-ass outfit like Time or Rolling Stone or the New York Times wants to pick up one of my cartoons and tries to fuck with me over reprint permissions, credit and payment." -- Mike Flugennock, Artist