and Race Relations
information links

Image: From "No racisme" Gallery,
from PeaceLibertad blog
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Racism Link Portal?
All One Heart
"People United to Promote Tolerance of Diversity Through Education"
American Pictures
"Most popular lecture on racism, oppression, poverty and social injustice with more than 6,500 presentations in American and European Higher Education..."
Angola 3 News
"37 years ago in Louisiana, 3 young black men were silenced for trying to expose continued segregation, systematic corruption, and horrific abuse in the biggest prison in the US..."
Anti-Hate Organization
"...fighting for racial, religious, gender, sexual preference, etc. equality..."
http://arpunx.tripod.com/welcome.html ~ http://members.tripod.com/~ARpunx/welcome.html
Anti-Racist Action (ARA) (Moscow, Russia)
"The people of Idaho do not want violent hate groups in their back yard and neither should the rest of the nation. Unfortunately, our government representatives are either right-wing extremists or impotent and scared to take a decisive stance in defense of their constituents."
Anti-Racist Action (ARA) (New Jersey)
"We intend to do the hard work necessary to decrease racism, sexism, anti-gay bigotry, anti-racism, and the unfairness which is often suffered by the disabled, the youngest, the oldest, and the poorest of our people. We confront hatemongers like the KKK and other white supremacists."
Anti-Racist Action (ARA) (South Bend, Indiana)
"In this war, every front is important. Every battle must be fought by the soldiers best suited for it. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, our strengths lie in other realms where we maintain a constant vigilance against the evils of racism and fascism."
Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective
"... the members of ARC have come together in their common desire to fight hatred, bigotry, intolerance and violence because of the harm these antisocial behaviors cause to our society."
AntiFascist Unity
"Faced with the growing onslaught of neo-nazi and revisionist propaganda..."
Assata Shakur
"I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left with no other choice than to flee from the political repression, racism and violence that dominate the US government's policy towards people of color...."
Battle of Cable Street
"On 4th October 1936, people in the East End of London stopped Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists marching through Cable Street, in Stepney, then a mainly Jewish area...."
"Fighting Hate on the Internet and Beyond..."
Center For Social Inclusion
"Our collective decisions shape where we invest our resources, develop relationships and build opportunities. Too often these decisions open a racial divide that undermines opportunity in communities of color."
Central New Jersey Anti-Racist Action (ARA)
"The name can be a bit deceiving, as we do not limit our struggle to racism. The ARA intends to build a movement against racism, sexism, homophobia and heterosexism, and discrimination against the oldest, the youngest, and the poorest of our society...."
Chronology Of The History Of Slavery: 1619-1789
"... has been used to guide the direction of independent research into the history of enslaved Americans of African descent at historic sites located at the National Zoo, in Washington, DC...."
Color Lines
"... the national newsmagazine on race and politics since 1998. We tell stories from communities of color while focusing on structural solutions that advance racial justice."
Color of Change
"... exists to strengthen Black America's political voice. Our goal is to empower our members—Black Americans and our allies—to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone."
Crosspoint Anti-Racism
"...biggest collection of links in the field of of Human Rights..."
DEMOS (Denmark)
"Foreningen arbejder med at dokumentere og informere om højrefløjens aktiviteter både nationalt og internationalt...."
Diversity Hotwire
"... a business center for managing diversity and developing 'cultural intelligence.'"
Diversity Web
"... a group of dedicated higher education professionals devoted to connecting, amplifying and advancing campus diversity work throughout postsecondary education."
Diversity Works
"... challenges people of all ages to become leaders in dismantling oppression and creating a more equitable world."
"...a resource for analysing the BNP and other far right groups and opposition to them. To look at the initiatives that have been employed by local groups who are opposed to the BNP."
Football Unites, Racism Divides (FURD)
"... football, as the world's most popular game, can help to bring together people from different backgrounds to play, watch and enjoy the game, and to break down barriers created by ignorance or prejudice."
Free Zulu (UK)
"My name is Kenny Zulu Whitmore. I have been enslaved In Angola state prison Louisiana for the last thirty-two years, falsely charged and convicted of armed robbery and murder."
"The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the injustices of Jock's original trial and to provide solidarity with Jock for his up coming appeal...."
Gossip-Boy: Hate Trackers
"... a Gossip Boy exclusive interactive state map that will allow you to track LGBT hate crimes and hate groups. Each entry will provide the known details about each crime or group activitity and may include videos and/or photographs...."
Hope Not Hate
"On this website we explain why the BNP are the same old nazis they always were. We broadcast a video, shot only a few years ago, which shows then leading BNP officials singing racist songs and giving a Nazi salute..."
Information on Militias
"This is a very rough initial list of links to information on militias I put together after the OK City bombing...."
Jim Crow Museum
"...helping people understand the historical and contemporary expressions of intolerance..."
Lady Liberty's Lamp
"We are a collective of artists, writers, photographers and videographers who have come together to report on and fight right-wing racism"
Multicultural Book Review, The
" Here we choose one review each month and feature its book as a particularly strong choice for educators to use in their classrooms...."
Multiracial Activist, The
"...a libertarian oriented activist journal covering social and civil liberties issues..."
Nazism Exposed Project, The
"... to document Neo-Nazi movement both on the internet and in the real world, with main focus on groups localized in Europe."
http://www.student.uit.no/~paalde/nazismexposed/ ~ http://www.ekran.no/html/nazismexposed/
Nizkor Project, The
"...for educational purposes to teach about the Holocaust and to combat hatred..."
One People's Project
"A resource for those on the frontlines fighting fascism, especially those who don't play nice!"
Race Bridges
"...to increase interracial understanding and cooperation..."
Race, Racism and the Law
"... considers race, racism and racial distinctions in the law. It examines the role of domestic and international law in promoting and/or alleviating racism."
Race Traitor
"...Journal of the New Abolitionism..."
"...a blog about the intersection of race and pop culture. Check out our daily updates on the latest celebrity gaffes, our no-holds-barred critique of questionable media representations..."
Reach Center
"Helping People Understand and Value Diversity..."
Reaching Out
"... a very special television experience -- a community healing process that combines racial bridge-building, compassionate caring, and deep ecological awareness."
Recovering Racists Network (RRNET)
"... a project founded by John McKenzie as a step to help in ending racism. Among its aims are to give support to people who believe and are ready to admit that by growing up in a racist culture, there is no way they could have avoided becoming racists themselves..."
Stop the BNP
"...set up to counter racism and fascism in elections and beyond. Since 2002 the British National Party has seriously contested council elections all over the country and achieved 55 councillors at district/borough level after the May 2008 local elections..."
Stop the Racism
"With everything going on in this world why is there room for hate, predjudice, discrimination, fascism, and racism?"
"Don't be the one to say 'Oh someone else will take care of it'..."
Students Challinging Racism and (White) Privilege (SCRAP)
"... how it functions at the level of everyday assumptions, actions, and representations, how White people benefit from the disadvantages of people of color, and how not discussing or confronting racism is the best way to perpetuate it."
Stuff White People Like
"This is a scientific approach to highlight and explain stuff white people like. They are pretty predictable."
http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ ~ http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/
Teaching Tolerance
"... kits and magazine subscriptions are free to educators."
Turning the Tide
"Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education..."
Unite Antifasciste / AntiFascist Unity (France)
"Faced with the growing onslaught of neo-nazi and revisionist propaganda, as well as the fascist radicalisation in France, Europe and internationally. We, Net-users of France, the French-speaking countries and the whole world, are taking the initiative to 'COME TOGETHER.'"
Why Am I Not Surprised?
"...what a woman who could have joined the D.A.R. has learned about the socially-constructed, political notion of 'race' by just paying attention and NOT keeping her mouth shut..."
YAF Watch
"...tracking the actions of the Michigan State University Young Americans for Freedom, a right-wing student activist group that has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center."
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.