and Race Relations
web directory

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Racism and Race Relations :
Racism and Race Relations :
Color Lines
"... the national newsmagazine on race and politics since 1998. We tell stories from communities of color while focusing on structural solutions that advance racial justice."
Diversity Web
"... a group of dedicated higher education professionals devoted to connecting, amplifying and advancing campus diversity work throughout postsecondary education."
Color of Change
"... exists to strengthen Black America's political voice. Our goal is to empower our members—Black Americans and our allies—to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone."
Race Bridges
"...to increase interracial understanding and cooperation..."
Reach Center
"Helping People Understand and Value Diversity..."
All One Heart
"People United to Promote Tolerance of Diversity Through Education"
Teaching Tolerance
"... kits and magazine subscriptions are free to educators."
Prejudice Institute, The
"... devoted to policy research and education on all dimensions of prejudice, discrimination, and ethnoviolence and seeks to improve intergroup relations and public policy."
Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC)
"...an anti-racist charity, which was established in January 1996. The aim of our organisation is to produce anti-racist educational resources, which harness the high profile of professional footballers to combat racism."
United Against Fascism (UAF)
"... a new national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to the rising threat of the extreme right, in particular the British National Party (BNP), gaining an electoral foothold in this country."
Center for Equal Opportunity (CEOUSA)
"... America always has been a multiethnic and multiracial nation, and is becoming even more so; this makes it imperative that our national policies not divide our people according to skin color and national origin..."
Western Justice Center
"...increase the opportunity for peaceful conflict resolution..."
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.