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Riot, The
"An online magazine. A movement. A revolution. A riot."

Riots Not Diets
"When I'm not reading convoluted academic theory until my eyes water, I am working to uncover anti-fat biases in media representations of the fat body and examine the many intersectionalities of fat identity...."

Robert Jensen home page
"Much of his work has focused on pornography and the radical feminist critique of sexuality and men's violence..."

Rural Womyn Zone
"Established in 1997 as a virtual community to provide information, outreach, support and a networking base for rural women and their nonprofit organizations and grass roots activities...."

"Hi. I am a disgruntled young woman of color radical feminist who's trying to find out her place in the world while kicking Patriarchal White Supremacist ass...."

Scorpio Risen
"Hi, I'm Amy. I'm a 20 year old Feminist, who's anti-pornography and often radical leaning, pro-woman, pro-sisterhood. Proudly hairy, while at the same time proud to wear make-up creatively when I feel like it."

Seeing Red
"Links and things from the CODE RED feminist collective...."

SettlePetal (Australia)
"...an online space for young feminists and our allies around Australia. It was created by the collective brain of a group of young women passionate about feminism, with the aim of furthering conversation and debate among young women around feminism and its future, and being a safe and respectful space to have those debates."

Sex Gender Body
"A direct, honest and respectful conversation about sex, gender & body."

Sexing the Political (STP)
"A new generation of women and men, those born between the years of 1965 and 1982, are redefining what it means to be a feminist in our society...."

"...a progressive feminist blog about politics, culture, social justice, cute things, and all that is in between. Please note that the commenting policy and the Feminism 101 section, conveniently linked at the top of the page, are required reading before commenting."

She Makes the Rules
"...completely owned and run by real women, and was designed for women who are interested in learning how to embrace their inner bossiness!"

"...activism, feminism, punk and riot grrrl, vegetarianism, DIY and craft culture, pop culture/critical studies, politics, television, 90s, kittens, gpoy aaaaaand some art."

Sisters of Resistance
"We are an international group of revolutionary young women comprising of, but not limited to, a Sicilian, vegan PhD student from Bow E3 (the home of grime), and a pro-vegan, American child of immigrants, spoken word artist, teacher and femcee."

SJSU Women's Studies
"...the blog of the San Jose State University Women's Studies Program."

Skirts and Tights
"i play cello on records/in the string orchestra of brooklyn /with amy klein and the blue star band/with mal blum, fight the power with feminist collective permanent wave, work for a classical print music publisher, love my stupid cat, and attend many concerts."

Socialist Feminist: Renewing Socialism & Feminism
"A socialist and feminist activist and writer, Philippines...."

Soft Courage: Giving Middle Eastern Women The Courage To Empower Themselves
"...to give women of the Middle East the support necessary to empower themselves through education, rights-awareness, and skill development; enabling them to change their lives and other members of society, therefore creating a chain-reaction of goodwill and progress."

Stay Sane and Savage
"I'm a women's activist and teacher of women's self defence...."

STFU Fauxminists!
"Are you a REAL feminist and a REAL American that knows equality actually means oppressing other people and only using social justice language to get elected?"

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