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Club Managers' Association Australia (CMAA)
"...whilst a responsible union, is in the unique position of having its members as both employees, under the Club Managers State (NSW) and Federal Award, and also as employers in their day to day management and administration of Registered Licensed Clubs."

Coalition of University Employees Union (CUE)
"... the independent, member-run union which was elected in November, 1997 by clerical employees throughout the UC system to represent them."

Comité Fronterizo de Obreros (CFO) (Committee of Border Workers) (Spanish)
"... Por eso es tan importante el CFO que durante años ha encontrado maneras de redistribuir el poder ..."

Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR)
"... the largest housestaff union in the country, representing more than 13,000 residents in California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico."

Communications Workers of America (CWA) - District 7
"... one of the eight geographical districts that make up Communications Workers of America, one of the largest unions in Northern America, representing 700,000 workers in public and private sector employment."

Communications Workers of America (CWA)
"...the largest telecommunications union in the world, represents over 700,000 men and women in both private and public sectors, including over half a million workers who are building the Information Highway."

Communication Workers of America (CWA) - Local 1180 (New York City, New York, USA)
"Most of us work for the City of New York, in dozens of Mayoral agencies and at the Health and Hospitals Corporation...."

Communication Workers of America (CWA) - Local 1298
"Representing workers across New England..."

Communication Workers of America (CWA) - Local 4319 (Ohio, USA)
"Standing Tall for Workers' Rights in NW Ohio..."

Communication Workers of America (CWA) - Local 37083 (Washington, USA)
"... an innovative and influential union whose members advocate for all technology workers in Washington State and beyond."

Confédération Mondiale du Travail (CMT-WCL) (World Confederation of Labor)
"...regroupe des syndicats démocratiques, indépendants et autonomes qui défendent les droits économiques, sociaux, politiques et culturels des travailleurs et des populations de par le monde."

Confederación Sindical Del Ecuador (CSE-EC)
"Identidad de clase, Solidaridad y unidad, Igualdad de género, Inclusión y respeto a la diversidad, Libertad, democracia y transparencia, Honestidad, equidad, responsabilidad, Formación permanente a los trabajadores..."

Construction, Maintenance and Allied Workers (CMAW) (Canada)
"... a diverse union of over 7000 members including carpenters, carpenter apprentices, lathers, millwrights, floorlayers, piledrivers, industrial workers and many other construction trades and school board employees."
http://www.cmaw.ca/ ~ http://www.bccarpentersunion.com/

Cornell Global Labor Institute
"...established in 2005 to work with trade unions in the US and internationally to help unions and their civil society partners develop solutions to some of the major social, economic and environmental challenges of our time."

Corporate Campaign, Inc.
"...has an unparalleled record of turning local labor struggles into highly visible statewide and national campaigns while generating widespread organizational and financial support for workers and their unions."

DC Union Power
"...to promote unity in the DC labor community in light of recent actions by the Fenty administration and DC government officials carrying out policies detrimental to organized labor and individual workers."

Domestic Workers United (DWU)
"... after having done two years of advocacy for individual domestic workers who were underpaid or abused by their employers, because they saw the need for industry standards and a voice for all domestic workers, particularly those who were not being organized."

Duke Energy Employee Advocate
"All employees are really in the same boat. We are all governed by the same federal laws. It is worthwhile to improve conditions at an individual company, but even better to improve conditions nationally or globally...."

Edinburgh Support Workers' Action Network (SWAN) (UK)
"...a group of ordinary support workers from various organisations who came together to fight the ongoing cuts in social care in our city."

Ethical Clothing Australia
"...a joint business-union initiative. It is governed by an independent and not-for-profit committee of management, Homeworker Code Committee Inc, with representation from major stakeholders in the textile, clothing and footwear industry."
http://www.ethicalclothingaustralia.org.au/ ~ http://www.nosweatshoplabel.com/

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