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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Unionism Organizations Directory
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Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA)
"...represents the industrial, technical and professional interests of Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAMEs) and other civil aircraft maintenance workers."

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU)
"If you work in manufacturing, we can help protect your rights at work... The AMWU aims to ensure our members receive the pay, conditions, safety and respect they deserve at work."
http://www.amwu.org.au/ ~ http://www.amwu.asn.au/

Australian Maritime Officers Union, The (AMOU)
"With a proud history extending back to the 1880s the AMOU is uniquely placed to represent all professional, administrative, supervisory and technical employees in the maritime and stevedoring industries and in Port and Marine Authorities...."

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) - Tasmanian Branch
"...continues to lobby for improved conditions, safe staffing and workloads, fair pay, conditions and entitlements."

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) - Victorian Branch
"If you are an ANF member and have a question about your wages or working conditions..."

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) - WA Branch
"... run by nurses, for nurses. Our goal is to provide members with all the protection nurses need, as employees and members of the nursing profession."

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF)
"...the national union for nurses, midwives, assistants in nursing and students. The ANF represents the industrial and professional interests of nurses and midwives through the activities of a federal office and branches in each state and territory."

Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation (ASMOF)
"...to: Promote the broad interests of salaried doctors, Provide services to its members, including representation before industrial tribunals and in negotiations with employers, Advocate the provision and development of quality health services..."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - National Office
"Representing the interests of approximately 120,000 members across the country, the Australian Services Union - better known as the ASU - is one of the largest trade unions in Australia...."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - NSW & ACT (Services) Branch
"...we are tens of thousands of workers who have banded together to protect and improve our wages and conditions and to have a voice about the things that impact on our lives."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - Tasmanian Branch
"If you work in one of these sectors it is very likely that you are eligible join the ASU Tasmania Branch - in fact we cover employees from the cradle to the grave (i.e. childcare workers to cemetery workers)."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - Taxation Officers Branch
"... established in 1947. It represents employees of the Australian Taxation Office."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - Victorian Authorities and Services Branch
"At the workplace, members may elect a range of representatives, depending on the industry and the size of the workplace. At the Branch level members elect full-time officials and there are also a range of committee members...."

Australian Services Union (ASU) - Victorian Branch Private Sector
"We represent clerical, administrative and customer service workers in a broad range of industries - from airlines to legal; call centres to the community sector...."

Australian Workers Union (AWU) - QLD Branch (Queensland, Australia)
"...the AWU has been standing strong and smart with our members in a diverse range of industries and work sites from one end of Queensland to the other. Some of the industries that we cover include health, retail, hospitality, construction, sugar, mining, shearing and horse racing."

Australian Workers Union (AWU) - SA Branch
"Officials are regularly elected to manage the affairs of the union, but it is fundamentally the members who control the union...."
http://sa.awu.net.au/ ~ http://www.awusa.asn.au/

Australian Workers Union (AWU)
"...the nation's oldest and largest blue-collar trade union representing over 135,000 working men & women and their families."
http://www.awu.net.au/ ~ http://www.australianworkersunion.com/

Australian Writers' Guild (AWG)
"We fight to improve professional standards, conditions and remuneration for Australian performance writers; to protect and advance the creative rights of our members and to promote the Australian cultural voice in all its diversity...."

Baker Confectionary Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers (BCTGM) - Local 22 (Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)
"With the recent assaults we've witnessed on Organized Labor now is the time for all of us to take a stand to secure our futures...."

Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union, The (BCTGM)
"... a modern union with old-fashioned values. We are dedicated to giving workers in our industries a voice and a vote in their workplace. We believe that all workers should be treated with Dignity, Justice and Respect on the job."

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