Communism, and Collectivism
organizations links
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Socialist Party of Texas (USA)
"The Socialist Party of Texas stands with millions in Texas, the United States, and the world in opposing a conflict promoted by bullies. We stand by the rule of international law, global peace, and the interests of working and poor people, and in steadfast opposition to the economic interests of the few...."
Socialist Party of Texas, The
"...needs your help to get its 2012 Presidential Ticket of Stewart Alexander and Alex Mendoza certified for write-in status in the November elections."
Socialist Party USA
" establish a radical democracy..."
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Socialist Resistance (Birmingham Branch)
"Human society is divided into conflicting social classes. We take the side of the working class, the poor and the oppressed and our political activity has the aim of putting society under the democratic control of working class people...."
Socialist Workers Party (Brighton and Hove Branch) (SWPBH)
"Branch meetings usually start with a group discussion on a topic of interest to socialists, often with a guest speaker. Branch meetings are also where the party's activities are discussed and organized..."
Solidarity (Australia)
"...committed to building social movements and the wider left..."
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Solidarity (US)
"...a democratic, revolutionary socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization..."
Sveriges Kommunistiska Ungdomsförbund (SKU) (Sweden)
"'För ungdomens demokratiska rättigheter!' är det handlingsprogram som antogs på Sveriges Kommunistiska Ungdomsförbunds 38 kongress, 4-5 mars 2006. I programmet visar vi att framsteg för ungdomens rättigheter endast kan nås i gemensam kamp mot monopolen och högerkrafterna...."
Thomas Spence Society (UK)
"Spence was the leading English revolutionary of his day, with an unbudgeable committment to individual and press freedom and the common ownership of the land...."
Toronto Workers Assembly (Canada)
"With economic and political crises deepening before our eyes, the working class in Canada - employed, unemployed and marginalized; in the workplace and the community; union and non-union - seems to be permanently on the defensive both ideologically and strategically...."
Trung ương Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh (Vietnam)
"Hội Liên hiệp Thanh niên Việt Nam (sau đây gọi tắt là Hội LHTN Việt Nam) là tổ chức xã hội rộng rãi của thanh niên và các tổ chức thanh niên Việt Nam yêu nước theo tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh và lý tưởng của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam."
United Socialist Party Sri Lanka (USP)
"Yet the organized working class has joined hands and are launching protest demonstrations, strikes and even General Strikes, once again showing the world the strength of the masses' struggle...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.