Communism, and Collectivism
organizations links
International Socialists (Canada)
"We see the potential for a different world, based on real democratic control over the major decisions that affect people's everyday lives...."
James Connolly Society of Canada and the United States (JCS)
"1996 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Irish Socialist Republican Party of James Connolly. To commemorate this, an ad hoc committee was formed to found a James Connolly Society in both Canada and the United States...."
Jewish Socialists' Group (JSG) (United Kingdom)
"...a political organisation campaigning for Jewish rights and the rights of all oppressed minorities in building a socialist future."
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Koμμouvιστική Nεoλαία Eλλάδoς (Greece)
"Ο καπιταλισμός έxει σαπίσει. H vέα γεvιά δεv έxει vα περιμέvει τίπoτε θετικό παρά μόvo επιδείvωση τωv όρωv μόρφωσης, εργασίας, γεvικότερα της ζωής της. H βαρβαρότητα τou καπιταλισμoύ παίρvει vέες μoρφές. Kαμία διαφημιζόμεvη κρατική παρέμβαση, καμία εvαλλακτική διαxειριστική πoλιτική δεv μπoρεί vα τov απαλλάξει από τις κρίσεις..."
Kommoyniσtikoy Komma Eλλaδaσ (KKE) (Greece)
"H ίδρuση τou KKE τo 1918, πou επιταxύvθηκε από τη Mεγάλη Οxτωβριαvή Σoσιαλιστική Eπαvάσταση, ήταv ώριμoς καρπός της αvάπτuξης τou εργατικoύ κιvήματoς στη xώρα μας και της σuvέvωσής τou με τη θεωρία τou επιστημovικoύ σoσιαλισμoύ."
Kommunistinen Nuorisoliitto (KOMNL) (Finland)
"Toiminnan pohjana on kommunistinen ideologia ja tavoitteena yhteiskunnallinen muutos. Emme odota, että joku muu tekee asiat puolestamme vaan taistelemme paremman maailman puolesta. Liitto koostuu eri paikkakunnilla toimivista osastoista, joiden jäseniksi kaikki 15-30-vuotiaat radikaalit vasemmistolaiset ovat tervetulleita."
Kommunistiska Partiet (Sweden)
"Kommunistiska Partiet är organiserat i lokala partiavdelningar över hela landet. Dessa organiserar det politiska arbetet på orten, ansvarar för politiska studier och de utgör den första instansen för den interna diskussionen i partiet. Partiet har alltså inga individuella medlemmar centralt..."
Labor Party, The - USA
"...a new political party of, by and for working people..."
League for the Fifth International
"Our goal is to build a world party of socialist revolution, fighting across the world for an end to capitalism and for socialism."
Leeds Socialist Party
"...fights for socialist change - a democratic society run for the needs of all and not the profits of a few. We also fight, in our day-to-day campaigning, for every possible improvement for working-class people."
"...for community networks engaged in 21st century socialist projects as well as field technology for volatile situations where the rules of society are rapidly being re-written."
Marxist-Humanist Initiative (MHI)
"...aims to contribute to the transformation of this capitalist world by projecting, developing, and concretizing the philosophy of Karl Marx (1818-1883)..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.