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From Peace Libertad Blog
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21st century manifesto
"...politics, analysis, action and culture from the left in Britain..."

Коммунист.ru (Kommynist.ru)
"Это первая универсальная коммунистическая русскоязычная электронная энциклопедия...."

About the Workers Party
"The story of the modern Workers Party begins in 1982 when the Party Ard Fheis (Annual Delegate Conference) decided that its programme ,its politics and its philosophy could only be correctly understood if there was no ambiguity about the Party name. Prior to this the Party had been known as Sinn Fein -The Workers Party..."

Activist, The
"In the late 1990s, Left youth activism emerged from a stumbling stupor to showcase a passionate, creative movement of young people. Anti-sweatshop protests spread across the country's college campuses with the speed and voraciousness of a tornado...."

Actuel Marx (French) (Current Marx)
"...vouée à la réception et à la discussion des questions théoriques fondamentales et des problématiques nouvelles, elle s'adresse au large public des diverses disciplines : philosophie, économie, droit, histoire, sciences sociales, art et culture."

Advance the Struggle
"Why are we blogging? Because there's a need for a marxist analysis of current events, resistance movements, and revolutionary theory that isn't bogged down with the baggage of decades of defeat and dogma...."

AKM-1917 (Russian)
"4 дeкaбpя в Mocквe cтopoнники aктивнoгo бoйкoтa пapлaмeнтcких выбopoв пpoвeдут oбщeгpaждaнcкий cхoд пoд лoзунгoм 'Hapoд пpoтив нeзaкoнных выбopoв!'. Aкция пpoйдёт нa цeнтpaльнoй плoщaди cтpaны..."
http://www.akm1917.org/ ~ http://www.akm1917.su/

Allin Cottrell's Page
"...our attempt to answer the idea that socialism is dead..."

All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski
"I am a Marxist educational theorist and thinker on the future of the human and social time....I work at the University of Northampton, England, where I teach Education Studies."

American Socialist Party (ASP) in Florida
"...part of an inclusive organic party (A commonwealth under the Socialist Central Committee) for the people to further socialism through its institutions for more democracy. Our message is based on working theory and principles of socialism..."

And Now For Something Completely Different
"I am interested in cultivating intersections between: psychoanalysis; Buddhist philosophy (madhyamika) and practice (prajna paramita); and Marxian analyses of economics and political economy, ideology and religion."

Andrea's Blog (Galician Spanish)
"Biografía: Segismundo Moret, Biografía: Nicolás Appert, Biografía: Róża Luksemburg..."

"...on caste, women's oppression, communalism, and class struggle in South Asia..."

Anti-German Translation (AGT)
"A blog about the anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and anti-globalization movements, analysing the convergences between right-wing thought and false forms of anti-capitalism...."

"To transmit information and analysis to build a broad revolutionary anti-imperialist movement and inspire proletarian internationalist struggle globally...."

"Our aim is to foster and spread the dissenting traditions of those on the Left within Geography and beyond."

AntonioGramsci.com (Italian)
"Ciò che Antonio Gramsci ha generosamente lasciato alla cultura italiana e a tutti noi è un immenso patrimonio di idee e di intuizioni politiche. Questo sito ospita alcune tra le sue pagine più belle e significative."

Anwar Shaikh's Homepage
"Inequailty, Competition, International Trade, Macroeconomic Theory, Capacity Utilization"

Anxiety Culture
"...a VAST, intoxicating mixture of outsider psychology, satire, anti-work philosophy, anti-establishment rants, graphic propaganda and underground news..."

Arbres de Farenheit, Els: Biblioteca de ciències socials d'espai Marx (Italian)
"Però sempre hi ha un grup d'irreductibles que pretenen resistir i preservar per a les noves generacions el patrimoni, literari, filosòfic i cultural de la humanitat."

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