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MALDEF: The Latino Voice for Civil Rights in America
"...promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access."

Mapuche International Link
"...to highlight the current situation of the Mapuche people and to provide information about their culture and history as well as their continuing struggle and aspirations for the future."

Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute
"...created to provide an institutional home for a broad range of activities illuminating the Nobel Peace laureate's life and the movements he inspired."

MEChA de California State University Los Angeles
"Our story begins in the night of August 12 of 1521. Our Great Tenochtitlan has supported 79 days of continous attacks...."

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, The (MMUF)
"...to increase diversity in the faculty ranks of institutions of higher learning. The MMUF program is administered by over one hundred campus coordinators at 42 institutions and a consortium of 39 historically black colleges and universities within the membership of the UNCF."

Memphis Minority Online
"Memphis Minority Online's goal is to increase the level of diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity in our nation. We hope to achieve this goal by spotlighting different communities in the Memphis Area and beyond..."
http://www.memphisminorityonline.com/ ~ http://www.midsouthblack.com/

Mexica Movement: Not Hispanic! Not Latino!
"We are Nican Tlaca, the Indigenous People of Canada, U.S., Mexico, 'Central and South America'...We reject all European divisions of our continent. We reject the artificial border divisions of our people."

Minnesota Collaborative Anti-Racism Initiative, The (MCARI)
"...provides substantial anti-racism consultation and training for non-profit institutions, business and community organizations, and institutions of higher education."

Minority Rights Coalition, The (MRC)
"...an umbrella organization which advocates on behalf of its constituent organizations and seeks to draw strength from the connections and common struggles of its members. It is composed of the the American Indian Student Union (AISU), Asian Student Union (ASU), Black Student Alliance (BSA), Feminism is for Everyone (FIFE)..."
http://www.student.virginia.edu/~uvacoal/ ~ http://www.student.virginia.edu/minority/

Minority Rights Group International (MRG-International)
"...campaigns worldwide with around 130 partners in over 60 countries to ensure that disadvantaged minorities and indigenous peoples, often the poorest of the poor, can make their voices heard. Through training and education, legal cases, publications and the media, we support minority and indigenous people...."

Minority Rights Information Systems (MIRIS)
"The aim of the database is to promote the development of minority rights standards by providing easily accessible information about the implementation of minority rights for not only experts, public officials, NGO's and minority representatives but also interested researchers and students."
http://miris.eurac.edu/ ~ http://www.eurac.edu/miris/

Monitoring Group, The (TMG) (United Kingdom)
"...established in Southall (west London), in the early 1980's, by community campaigners and lawyers who wished to challenge the growth of racism in the locality."

Montana Rock Against Racism
"...an awareness and education event to support the YWCA Missoula Racial Justice Program. Rock Against Racism is a FREE event hosted at Caras Park in downtown Missoula, Montana."

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA)
"...a student organization that promotes higher education, cultura, and historia. MEChA was founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people. We believe that political involvement and education is the avenue for change in our society."

Multiracial Identified Community at Stanford, The (MICS)
"The conference will be run with the help of a number of other student groups on campus, as well as the participation of multiracial groups from other schools and independent organizations. Despite the title of West Coast Conference, we extend our invitation to student organizations and interested groups across the country."

Nätverket mot rasism (NMR) (Network Against Racism) (Swedish)
"Där bildades ett rikstäckande nätverk av antirasistiska/antifascistiska organisationer, kulturföreningar, invandrargrupper, politiska ungdomsförbund, intresseorganisa-tioner och så vidare."
http://www.nmr.nu/ ~ http://hem.passagen.se/hasans/Netv/

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (NAACPLDF)
"...America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice..."

National Action Network (NAN)
"...one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation, with chapters throughout the entire U.S. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda..."

National Anti-Racism Council (NARC) (Canada)
"...a coalition of community based organizations and individuals who came together in May 2000, with a view to ensuring that there was wide community input both in the development of Canadas contributions to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR)..."

National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR) (United Kingdom)
"The wide coalition formed around this issue was established in the National Assembly Against Racism as an umbrella of affiliates and individual members to initiate campaigns, set agendas and raise awareness on the whole range of anti-racist issues affecting British society."

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