and Race Relations
organizations links
Healing Racism in Anchorage (Alaska, USA)
"We help people understand the history of racism in the US, how racism manifests itself today, and give them tools for interrupting racism in their own lives."
Heritage of America Foundation
"...to provide programs - both local and international - that will enrich participants and promote cross-cultural understanding through education, cultural exchanges, and the performing and fine arts. Heritage is committed to providing educational and cultural programs that reflect the diversity of our society."
Houston Anti-Racist Action (ARA) (Texas, USA)
"The Houston chapter of ARA has been active since 2005 and have organized around many issues, including immigrant rights, reproductive freedom, and anti-Klan/anti-nazi work."
Ile Omode
"...a manifestation of kujichagulia, self-determination. Ile Omode are words of the Yoruba people of West Africa. Together, they mean 'House of the Children'. Our school is designed to educate and train our young people to become outstanding leaders and workers for our people."
Inclusiveness Project, The
"...to engage with Metro Denver nonprofit organizations, including funders, to become more inclusive of people of color. The Inclusiveness Project builds more inclusive nonprofit organizations, increases the number of people of color involved in the nonprofit sector..."
Institute for Democratic Renewal/Project Change, The (IDR/PC)
"...assists communities in dismantling racism and achieving full and equitable participation in the democratic process through a variety of convenings, networking, learning communities, projects, publications and technologies."
Institute of Race Relations (IRR)
"... established as an independent educational charity in 1958 to carry out research, publish and collect resources on race relations throughout the world."
http://www.irr.org.uk/ ~ http://www.homebeats.co.uk/
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
"...Addressing violations of Indigenous Peoples' rights and presenting issues of concern to the international community. Primary focus areas include: Environment Protection and Sustainable Development. Treaty and Land Rights...."
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, The
"...to inform and illuminate the nation's major public policy debates through research, analysis, and information dissemination, with the goal of improving the socioeconomic status of African Americans and other people of color..."
Justice Works!
"...seeks to provide a safe and unique alternative to what is currently available to African Americans in the criminal justice system."
Kansas University Sexism & Racism Victims Coalition, The (KUSRVC)
"We are a group of KU faculty and staff who have joined together to provide moral, emotional, and spiritual support for each other. We are dedicated to increasing the awareness that racism and sexism remain serious problems in this workplace and that retaliation against those who speak up is institutionally supported."
Kent Anti-Racist Action (ARA)
"Student Anti-Racist Action at Kent State University is one of over a hundred Anti-Racist Action collectives. These collectives exist nationally as well as internationally. This network is linked around four core principles that all collectives must uphold."
Kick It Out: Let's Kick Racism Out of Football
"...works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and work for positive change."
Kirwan Institute, The
"...partners with people, communities, and institutions worldwide to think about, talk about, and engage issues of race and ethnicity in ways that create and expand opportunity for all."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.