and Race Relations
organizations links
The current Featured Link for Surviving Oppression is Support Vegans in the Prison System (Support VIPS) : "...a volunteer based group working to help vegan individuals live a healthy vegan lifestyle, which is an expression of their deeply held ethical values. We act as a crucial link between the incarcerated community and the Bureau of Prisons, provide information about veganism to the prison population..." -- Find similar and related links in the Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory.
Eagle Feather Research Institute
"...a non-profit service organization that provides valuable historical and cultural study about cultural myths and gender stereotypes in ancient American culture as well as other world cultures. Eagle Feather is an interdisciplinary research center..."
East Bay Saturday Dialogues (North Oakland, California, USA)
"...a chance for white-identified people to come together to discuss the fight against racism, and to acknowledge and address the way our white skin privilege affects our experience and our role in that fight."
East Metro Integration District (EMID)
"...a collaborative effort that fosters voluntary integration among St. Paul Public Schools and nine suburban school districts in the eastern Twin Cities metro area. To support and enhance voluntary integration in our 10 member districts, we provide the following programs and services..."
"...a team of passionate, experienced, established, educators dedicated to equity, diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice. With this shared vision, we have joined to collaborate in order to develop resources, workshops, and projects..."
Eliminating Racism And Claiming/Celebrating Equality (ERAC/CE)
"...has organized and facilitated training for over 900 local leaders from almost 240 organizations to better understand and recognize racism and to work together to eliminate it. Most of those who have attended are pursuing effective steps in their organizations to eliminate racism."
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
"... a strategy and action center working for justice, opportunity and peace in urban America. Based in Oakland, California, we promote positive alternatives to violence and incarceration through our four cutting-edge campaigns."
Engage (United Kingdom)
"Engage grew from a being a resource for that particular campaign into being a resource that aims to help people counter the boycott Israel campaign in general, as well as the the assumptions and misrepresentations that lie behind it."
http://engageonline.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.engageonline.org.uk/
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, The
"...has the vision of Northern Ireland as a shared, integrated and inclusive place, a society where difference is respected and valued, based on equality and fairness for the entire community."
European Centre for Minority Issues, The (ECMI)
"...conducts practice and policy-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. It serves European governments and regional intergovernmental organizations as well as non-dominant groups throughout."
European Coalition of Cities Against Racism, The (ECCAR)
"...established in Nuremberg on 10 December 2004. It was dedicated to establish a network of cities interested in sharing experiences in order to improve their policies to fight racism, discrimination and xenophobia."
Fight Dem Back! (Australia and New Zealand)
"...a volunteer based, non-party-political public service 'organisation' (we're really rather ad-hoc) which, in the public interest, collects, collates and disseminates information regarding racist, neo-nazi and other far-right actors and activity in Australia and New Zealand."
Firefighter's Institute for Racial Equality (FIRE)
"Whereas, we, Black Firefighters, aware of the increasing complexity of problems confronting our Brothers and Sisters in the fire service and within the community, form an organization for the purpose of studying and solving such problems. In order to take our place at the vanguard of our struggle..."
Florida SHARP (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice)
"This blog was designed to educate the truth behind skinhead culture and where it originated. We are tired of media lies, and neo-nazi boneheads trying to ruin a good scene with their mindless hate. A true skinhead doesn't judge bye your color,only bye what you do and say."
Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE)
"... will fight through football all forms of discrimination in football: in the stadium, on the pitch, in the changing room, at the training ground, in the office and classroom; by fans, players, managers, coaches, administrators or educators."
Fresno Brown Berets (California, USA)
"Cesar Chavez and the farm workers movement in California, as well as the Land grant restitution movement led by Reies Tijerina in New Mexico at the beginning of the 1960's characterize the first phase...."
Friends of Peltier
"An innocent man, Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted in 1977 and has served over 30 years in federal prison despite proof of his innocence-also despite proof that he was convicted on the basis of fabricated and suppressed evidence, as well as coerced testimony."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.