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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Racism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 30

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Rethinking Schools (RS)
"While the scope and influence of Rethinking Schools has changed, its basic orientation has not. Most importantly, it remains firmly committed to equity and to the vision that public education is central to the creation of a humane, caring, multiracial democracy."
http://www.rethinkingschools.org/ ~ http://www.rethinkingschools.org/index.shtml

Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education, The (MIJE)
"...has helped the nation's news media reflect America's diversity in staffing, content and business operations. Through its professional development programs, the institute prepares managers for careers in both business -- and news -- sides of the journalism industry."

Rose City Antifascists (RCA) (Portland, Oregon, USA)
"...opposing fascist organizing through education, direct action, and the development of viable social and cultural alternatives."

Saint Paul Public Schools Multicultural Resource Center (SPPS-MRC)
"...facilitates access to the necessary tools to infuse learning experiences with: diverse viewpoints and perspectives, the inclusion of culture through academic rigor into any content area, exposure to the arts, and interdisciplinary connections."

Salinas Brown Berets (California, USA)
"Who I'd like to meet: marxist revolutionaries..."

Save Darfur
"Around the country and across the globe, the Save Darfur Coalition is inspiring action, raising awareness and speaking truth to power on behalf of the people of Darfur. Working with world leaders, we are demanding an end to the genocide, and our efforts are getting results."

Save Our Barrios Coalition (SOBC)
"We believe that community consciousness and political power will come thorough the organizing study/education sessions and actions, forums, and the recruitment of community members into the SOBC...."

Save Our Centro Coalition (SOCC)
"...seeks to re-establish the Centro Cultural de la Raza as a relevant and dynamic community cultural Center that is open and responsive to the aspirations of the Chican@/Mexican@/Indigena community..."

SERF Anti-Racism/Pro-Rocenciliation Ministry
"...active with anti-racism organizing in Greensboro and works with the Leadership Empowerment Institute to facilitate anti-racism workshops."

Sexual Racism Sux!
"The members are from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, some are in the minority where they live and some are in the majority - all share an interest in understanding and challenging racism in the gay community."

Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC)
"...an anti-racist charity, which was established in January 1996. The aim of our organisation is to produce anti-racist educational resources, which harness the high profile of professional footballers to combat racism."

Skinheadi Proti Rasizmu (Slovakia) (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice-SHARP)
"Hodil by sa sem zrejme aj stručný pokec o tradičnej skinheadskej hudbe a to o reggae. Konkrétne o jednej jeho vetve, týkajúcej sa skinheadov bytostne a to SKINHEAD REGGAE."

Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) (Estado de México, México)
"...es una agrupación de skinheads fundada en 1986 en Nueva York, que nació con el fin de limpiar la imagen social del movimiento, perjudicada por los skins asociados a la política extremista de derechas, llamados boneheads (literalmente 'cabezas huecas', en inglés)."

SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice - Champaign-Urbana (SHARP) (Illinois)
"People here in the midwest are understanding, quiet, forgiving, and non-confrontational, so racist behavior thrive uncontested. We believe racist people should be confronted...."

Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice - Colorado (SHARP)
"Got something to say, news/events/activities/etc, we've got a Messageboard, talk about what you will."
http://sharp-co.8m.com/ ~ http://www.myspace.com/colosharp/

SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice - Italy (SHARP)
"Dobbiamo confrontarci e capire se vogliamo combattere per la nostra sottocultura e contro gli impostori razzisti o cercare stupidamente di imporre un modello valido per tutti gli skins: redskins, apolitici, originals, ognuno si chiami come meglio crede, l'importante è..."

SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice - Poland (SHARP)
"Dzięki temu, że wielu SkinHeadów zaczęło sympatyzować ze skrajną prawicą, wiele kapel, (co dziwne!) również SKA miała poważne problemy koncerowe, czy wydawnicze."

Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice - Tallahassee, Florida (SHARP)
"We need to think on a much higher scale; not just locally but nationally or even internationally. Racism, while better than our parents had it, is still a global threat and needs to be combated by whatever means necessary."

Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice - Toronto Crew (SHARP) (Canada)
"...a group of anti-racist skinheads who came together in February 1999 to promote traditional skinhead culture and to spread the word that REAL SKINHEADS AREN'T RACIST."

SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice: Trojan Records (SHARP) (Czech Republic)
"Od svého vzniku v roce1968 Trojan Records jsou stěžejním nahravacím studiem,které produkuje jamajskou hudbu od Rockstaedy a prvotní reggae muziku,která dominovala v letech,kdy vznikala,vstříc novým moderní stylům jako byl Dancehall a Jungle."

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