and Race Relations
information links
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"This blog is mostly about 3 themes- Irish Republicanism, Star Trek, and opposition to bigotry, primarily in America (racism, homophobia, anti-semitism, etc.). It is mostly about N. Ireland. It will mostly be about these issues in general and past events..."
Diary of a Content Black Woman
"...for African American Women committed to combating the stereotype of the 'Angry Black Woman'. Formerly 'Why Black Women Are Angry'..."
Dignidad Rebelde
"We believe that art can be an empowering reflection of community struggles, dreams and visions. Following principles of Xicanisma and Zapatismo, we create work that translates people's stories into art that can be put back into the hands of the communities who inspire it."
"...the theory and practice of discrimination, and how it is reported and analyzed."
Diversity Hotwire
"... a business center for managing diversity and developing 'cultural intelligence.'"
Diversity Web
"... a group of dedicated higher education professionals devoted to connecting, amplifying and advancing campus diversity work throughout postsecondary education."
Diversity Works
"... challenges people of all ages to become leaders in dismantling oppression and creating a more equitable world."
DKRenton.co.uk (Anti-Nazi League in Britain, The)
"I use this site to record work in progress, including excerpts from my books on the history of the Anti-Nazi League, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the political philosophy of fascism, and biographies of CLR James and Leon Trotsky...."
Donna Lamb
"I am a journalist and anti-racism activist who holds deeply-felt convictions about the injustice of this society to people of color and my responsibility as a white person to do everything I can to rectify it."
Double Consciousness
"...a term that comes from the pen of W. E. B. Du Bois which was made popular in his book The Souls of Black Folk. For Du Bois it meant 'always looking at one's self through the eyes of other'..."
dowdellresearch/social media
"The dialogue begins with one African-American woman focus on researching, scriving, and critiquing others lens about environmental and social justice issues that includes you."
Dr. Michael K. Fauntroy
"...an associate professor of public policy at George Mason University, where he teaches courses in civil rights policy and American government and specializes in race and American politics since 2002."
Dr. William Sedlacek
"...senior author of Racism in American education: A model for change (with Brooks), and a measure of racial attitudes, The Situational Attitude Scale (SAS)...."
Eclipse, The
"...an independent, historically Black campus newspaper, that is targeted toward the Black community at the University of Maryland, College Park. We are published monthly by Maryland Media, Inc., a nonprofit organization."
Einstein on Race and Racism
"The avalanche of Einstein images - genius, brilliant, absent-minded, kindly, bumbling and more - has all but buried Einstein's political dimension, and totally covered up his civil-rights activities which have remained virtually unknown to his tens of millions of fans and followers."
Elbert 'Big Man' Howard
"...an African-American writer, lecturer, community organizer and political activist. One of the six original founding members of the Black Panther Party, and the first editor of the Black Panther Party newspaper, he currently resides in Sonoma County, California."
Electronic Village
"This blog seeks to look at events thru the perspective of Black people...."
Elle, Phd
"I'm a historian who specializes in 20th century U.S. history, particularly African American, southern labor, and women's history. Aside from more traditional courses, I also teach special topics on things like the construction of race and femininity..."
Emerging Minds (EM)
"Emerging Minds is an emerging markets investment magazine that distributes content targeting emerging markets in Africa, the Americas, and Asia...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.