and Race Relations
information links
Jim Crow Museum
"...helping people understand the historical and contemporary expressions of intolerance..."
John Raible Online
"Dr. John Raible has been educating audiences about transracial adoption for more than thirty years. He began speaking to adoptive parents in the 1970s as a teen panelist at regional and national adoption conferences. He is one of the adult adoptees featured..."
Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, The (JBHE)
"Providing racial statistics, on an institution-by-institution basis, appears to have considerable competitive force in persuading American colleges and universities to more fully integrate their campuses."
Judeophobe Watch
"This site gives normal human beings a chance to debunk, refute, chastise, and debate anti-semitic postings from various Judeophobic web sites, like Crescent and Cross, for example. The cowards who spew their anti-semitic bull do not normally allow normal human beings to comment on their drivel."
King Center
"...the official, living memorial..."
Know Good White People
"A source of information about white anti-racist heroes..."
Koori History Website, The
"...has been developed since 1993 as an Aboriginal-owned and operated indigenous history education resource. It is part of a major historic archive collected over the past 45 years by Aboriginal activist/academic Gary Foley."
LA Beez
"...an online collaboration of ethnic media organizations featuring hyperlocal news content covering the metropolitan Los Angeles area."
Lady Liberty's Lamp
"We are a collective of artists, writers, photographers and videographers who have come together to report on and fight right-wing racism"
Lester K. Spence
"...Assistant Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies at Johns Hopkins University. His specialties include black politics, racial politics, urban politics, public opinion, and American political thought. His work has appeared in both academic journals..."
Liberator Magazine, The
"To remain conscious of our potential to contribute to and help maintain life. And to manifest diplomacy among the urban enclaves of America and between the larger Diaspora...."
Love Isn't Enough (LIE)
"...on raising a family in a colorstruck world..."
http://loveisntenough.com/ ~ http://www.antiracistparent.com/
Love Park 4
"Jared Schultz, Tom Keenan, Jason Robbins - all of Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action - and Jim McGovern - of the Progressive Labor Party - were all arrested and charged with a series of trumped up misdemeanors in a situation that - for all practical purposes - was straight up entrapment."
Marc Lamont Hill
"...a social justice activist and organizer. He is a founding board member of My5th, a non-profit organization devoted to educating youth about their legal rights and responsibilities..."
Mid South Black
"It is our mission to bring today's news, today's trends, and today's lifestyles from an African-American perspective!"
"We are a network of people dedicated to the struggle to maintain a welcoming community for everybody and to secure our human rights especially in the discriminatory environment that has been created by la migra, ICE...."
"...directory of resources on minority human rights and related problems of the transition period in Eastern and Central Europe..."
Minorities in Focus
"...personal accounts from the field..."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.