Drug, and Substance Use
organizations links
In the navigation bar of the link directory listings, you'll see options like "@," "1," and "话." These will link you to the pages where the titles of links start with a symbol, a number, or a foreign character. The "A | B | C...", on the other hand, links you to the page where the titles of links start with that letter.
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC)
"...a national advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use."
Harm Reduction Therapy Center (HRTC)
"...a non-judgmental approach to helping substance users reduce the negative impact of drugs and alcohol have on their lives. It respects that people use drugs for a variety of reasons."
Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum, The
"...offers visitors extensive documentation and information about the historical and modern uses of the cannabis plant, as well as its medicinal, religious and cultural applications, and the enormous potential of cannabis..."
Healing Center, The (Montana, USA)
"No patient should go without there medication due to the failure of the caregiver. We can help you today!"
Healthy Harvest, The
"...a clinic designed to facilitate access to compassionate medical professionals and staff who fully comply with the 2008 Michigan Medical Marihunana Laws."
Hempfest, Bozeman, Montana (USA)
"...a celebration of all things hemp & cannabis. The event is open to all caregivers, collectives, dispensaries, and the general public."
Hempfest, Seattle, Washington (USA)
"To educate the public on the myriad of potential benefits offered by the Cannabis plant, including the medicinal, industrial, agricultural, economic, environmental, and other benefits and applications."
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Hempfest, Tacoma, Arizona (USA)
"...brought to you by Eat/Fly and Tacoma Hemp Company. Established in downtown Tacoma in November 2009, bringing quality medical marijuana to Tacoma, in a safe, healthy environment."
Hemp Global Solutions (HGS)
"...formed by a group of people who share a common vision for hemp, as a potential solution to some of the major social and environmental challenges of the 21st century."
Hemp Industries Association (HIA)
" represent the interests of the hemp industry and to encourage the research and development of new products made from industrial hemp, low-THC oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis."
Hemp in Japan
"...a non-profit organisation researching and publishing information about all aspects of Hemp in Japan."
"The reason marijuana is illegal has very little to do with drugs, and is really about money and the continued centralization of economic and political control...."
Herbal Medical Institute, LLC
"...a company founded in Colorado and dedicated to recreating, enhancing and distributing some of the oldest and most powerful curative healing medicines available today."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.