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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Psychedelic Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 10

Viewing 41 - 60 of 213 Links for Psychedelic Organizations.
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Cures Not Wars
"... a coalition of drug-reform activists, users, health-care and drug-treatment providers and social-justice activists committed to advocacy and non-violent direct action to stop the drug war, whether in small, local protests or in regional or national actions."

Daktory, The (New Zealand)
"Welcome to The Daktory -- New Zealand's First Cannabis Club..."

Dora Weiner Foundation
"...determined to pursue the development of the experimental medication ibogaine..."

DrReefer.com Dispensary
"Dr. Reefer's Dispensary is located 'On the Hill'..."

Drug Policy Alliance Network
"... the nation's leading organization promoting policy alternatives to the drug war that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights."
http://www.drugpolicy.org/ ~ http://www.dpf.org/

Drug Policy Education Group, Inc. (DPEG)
"We interact with other state entities such as ACLU, state and campus NORML, League of Women Voters, political parties, and national groups including DPA, NORML, LEAP, and MPP...."

Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts (DPFM)
"It's time for a change in Massachusetts -- we need to pursue policies that reduce the harms associated with both drug use and our current drug laws...."

Emerald Empire Hempfest
"...the 2010 Emerald Empire HempFest, held for the first time in the friendly confines of Maurie Jacobs Park, was one of the best in the eight-year history of the event!"

"... a community of enthusiasts, scholars and scientists who share a common interest in the role of entheogens as it pertains to human spirituality."

Freedom Union & Cannabis Revolution, The (FUCR)
"...here to fight prohibition, fight for free will and Help make positive change. We aim to destroy ignorance and find ways to take action."

Free Marc Emery
"Marc is currently imprisoned in SeaTac Federal Detention Centre in Washington state after being extradited on May 20th..."

Friends and Families of Cannabis Consumers (FFCC)
"You don't have to smoke pot to know that the marijuana laws are wrong...."

Friends of Charles C. Lynch (Friends of CCL)
"The Dispensary opened in April 2006 and operated without incident until it was raided by the DEA and the local Sheriff's Department on March 29, 2007."

Ganja Gourmet (Denver, Colorado)
"Medical Marijuana Restaurant-Dispensary..."

GrassRoots Medical Clinic (Colorado, USA)
"...founded by Colorado medical marijuana patients who wanted to help other patients establish strong personal doctor-patient relationships to benefit from the use of medical marijuana."

Great Lakes Compassion Club Music Fest
"Lighting the way to educate the public about the many benefits of Medical Marijuana..."

Green Aid
"Again the feds won a conviction against Ed Rosenthal by keeping the whole truth from the jury. Ed is considering appealing again, this time to the Supreme Court..."

Green Cross Patient Cooperative, The (GCPC)
"...open to all that present a bona fide need for medicinal cannabis on the advice of their physician or other health care professionals."

Green Earth Ministries (GEM)
"Unfortunately, the REAL recipe has been hidden from mankind since the Middle Ages. Calamus is really CANNABIS!"

Green Remedy Gardeners Collective
"... a group of qualified patients in Southern California , who collectively cooperate and contribute to the benefit of (other members of) the Collective. Medicine grown and collectively shared by all able members."

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